☰ Revisor of Missouri


 Chapter 536 Administrative Procedure and Review (with repealers and transfers)
536.010   Definitions. (8/28/2006)
536.014   Rules invalid, when. (6/27/1997)
536.015   Missouri Register published at least monthly. (8/28/2019)
536.016   Requirements for rulemaking — proposed rules to be made available on agency ... (8/28/2014)
536.017   Taking of private property defined — proposed rules require takings ... (8/28/1998)
536.018   "Agency" and "state agency" not to include institutions of higher education ... (8/28/1994)
536.019   Effective date of rules — contingent effective date. (8/28/1997)
536.020   (Repealed L. 1975 S.B. 58 § 1) (1/1/1976)
536.021   Rules, procedure for making, amending or rescinding — notice of — rules ... (8/28/2004)
536.022   Suspension or termination of rules — procedure. (6/27/1997)
536.023   Procedures for numbering, indexing and publishing to be prescribed by ... (8/28/2004)
536.024   Validity of rules promulgated by state agency dependent on compliance with ... (8/28/2005)
536.025   Emergency rule powers — procedure — definitions. (8/28/2019)
536.026   Comments on proposed rules — committees for comment. (6/27/1997)
536.027   Written comments to be retained as public record for three years. (1/1/1976)
536.028   Contingent delegation of rulemaking power — effective date of rules — ... (8/28/1997)
536.030   (Repealed L. 1975 S.B. 58 § 1) (1/1/1976)
536.031   Code to be published — to be revised monthly — incorporation by reference ... (8/28/2019)
536.032   Code of state regulations, secretary of state authorized to make ... (8/28/2012)
536.033   Sale of register and code of state regulations, cost, how established — ... (8/28/2019)
536.035   Rules and orders to be permanent public record — executive orders to be ... (8/28/2002)
536.037   Committee on administrative rules, members, meetings, duties — reports — ... (8/28/2005)
536.040   (Repealed L. 1976 S.B. 728 § 1) (8/13/1976)
536.040   (Repealed L. 1975 S.B. 58 § 1) (1/1/1976)
536.041   Any person may petition agency concerning rules, agency must furnish copy ... (8/28/2012)
536.043   Director of social services not required to but may promulgate rules. (1/1/1976)
536.046   Public rulemaking docket, contents, publication. (6/27/1997)
536.050   Declaratory judgments respecting the validity of rules — fees and expenses ... (8/28/2005)
536.053   Standing to challenge rule. (8/28/1999)
536.055   Correspondence from state agencies, information required — must be printed ... (8/28/1989)
536.060   Informal disposition of case by stipulation — summary action — waiver. (8/28/1995)
536.063   Contested case, how instituted — pleadings — copies sent parties. (8/28/2011)
536.067   Notice in contested case — mailing — contents — notice of hearing — time for. (8/28/2011)
536.068   Responsive pleadings to petitioner's complaint or petition to be filed, ... (8/28/1989)
536.070   Evidence — witnesses — objections — judicial notice — affidavits as ... (8/28/2011)
536.073   Depositions, use of — how taken — discovery, when available — enforcement — ... (8/28/1995)
536.075   Discovery rule violations, sanctions. (8/28/1989)
536.077   Subpoenas, issuance — form — how served — how enforced. (8/28/2003)
536.080   Parties may file briefs — officials to hear or read evidence. (8/28/1957)
536.083   Hearing officer not to conduct rehearing or appeal involving same issues ... (8/28/1989)
536.085   Definitions. (8/28/1989)
536.087   Reasonable fees and expenses awarded prevailing party in civil action or ... (8/28/1989)
536.090   Decisions in writing — notice. (8/28/1957)
536.095   Contempt — procedure for punishment. (8/28/1957)
536.100   Party aggrieved entitled to judicial review — waiver of independent review, ... (8/28/2006)
536.110   Petition, when filed — process — venue. (8/28/2003)
536.120   Suspension of decisions or orders. (8/28/1945)
536.130   Record on judicial review. (8/28/1945)
536.140   Scope of judicial review — judgment — appeals. (8/28/2005)
536.150   Review by injunction or original writ, when — scope. (8/28/1953)
536.160   Refund of funds paid into court, when. (8/28/2001)
536.175   Periodic review required by state agencies, schedule, procedure. (8/28/2012)
536.200   Fiscal note for proposed rules or emergency rules affecting public funds, ... (8/28/2019)
536.205   Fiscal notes for proposed rules or emergency rules affecting private ... (8/28/2019)
536.210   Fiscal note forms. (8/28/1978)
536.215   Revised fiscal notes required, when — rejection, when. (8/28/1978)
536.300   Proposed rules, effect on small business to be determined, exceptions — ... (8/28/2024)
536.303   (Repealed L. 2024 S.B. 894 & 825) (8/28/2024)
536.305   (Repealed L. 2024 S.B. 894 & 825) (8/28/2024)
536.310   (Repealed L. 2024 S.B. 894 & 825) (8/28/2024)
536.315   (Repealed L. 2024 S.B. 894 & 825) (8/28/2024)
536.320   Waiver or reduction of administrative penalties, when — inapplicability, when. (8/28/2004)
536.323   (Repealed L. 2024 S.B. 894 & 825) (8/28/2024)
536.325   (Repealed L. 2024 S.B. 894 & 825) (8/28/2024)
536.328   (Repealed L. 2024 S.B. 894 & 825) (8/28/2024)
 - Cross References
Administrative agencies, law cannot delegate power to fine or imprison, Const. Art. I § 31
Administrative hearing commission, powers, duties, procedure, Chap. 621
Administrative rules and orders subject to judicial review, when, Const. Art. V § 18
Administrative rules and regulations to take effect when, Const. Art. IV §§ 16, 45
Certified copies of records admissible for administrative proceedings, 302.312
County commission's orders, decisions, funding appeals, procedure, 49.230
Deaf persons, auxiliary services and aids, 476.750 to 476.766
Military service, extensions and exemptions, 41.950
Motor vehicle franchise practices administrative procedure and review, 407.815 to 407.835
Refusal to grant licenses or certificates, hearing by administrative hearing commission, procedure, 621.120

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