☰ Revisor of Missouri


Chapter 167

< > Effective - 28 Aug 1993, 2 histories, see footnote   (history) bottom

  167.600.  Definitions — nonseverability. — 1.  As used in sections 167.600 to 167.621, the following terms mean:

  (1)  "Family practitioner", a primary care provider, including a licensed physician, nurse practitioner or primary care physician sponsor as defined in subdivision (4) of subsection 1 of section 208.166, or a primary care contracted health provider plan, approved by the parent, guardian or legal custodian of a school age child pursuant to section 167.611;

  (2)  "Most accessible care", that care or services which reach the most children where they normally are during school hours or where children are most likely to participate with the least obstacles to participation and may include, but shall not be limited to, private, public or parochial schools, learning centers, preschools, child care facilities, common community gathering places, licensed health care facilities, physicians' offices and community centers and may also include the use of traveling medical professionals;

  (3)  "School age children", all children under the age of nineteen without regard to whether they are currently enrolled in any school and without regard to what public, private, parochial or home school they may attend;

  (4)  "School children health services", services, including immunization, screening for physical or mental disease, disability or injury, treatment of pathological disease or injury, emergency medical treatment or first aid, or administration of drugs or treatment as ordered by the child's family practitioner, provided that the term shall only include the enumerated services and services directly related to the services enumerated herein;

  (5)  "Service area", the public school district, if the school district elects to be a Medicaid provider, or an area determined by the department of social services at the time a public school within a school district elects to be a Medicaid provider.

  2.  Sections 167.600 to 167.621 shall not be severable from each other.


(L. 1993 H.B. 564 § 1)

---- end of effective  28 Aug 1993 ----

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