☰ Revisor of Missouri


 Chapter 195 Drug Regulations (with repealers and transfers)
195.003   Violations of chapter, defendant to pay costs of testing when found guilty. (8/28/2003)
195.005   Comprehensive drug control act. (1/1/2017)
195.010   Definitions. (8/28/2018)
195.015   Authority to control. (8/28/2020)
195.016   Nomenclature. (1/1/2017)
195.017   Substances, how placed in schedules — list of scheduled substances — ... (8/28/2020)
195.020   (Repealed L. 1989 S.B. 215) (8/28/1989)
195.022   Chemical substances structurally similar to Schedule I controlled ... (8/28/2011)
195.025   (Repealed L. 2014 S.B. 491) (1/1/2017)
195.030   Rules, procedure — fees — registration required, exceptions, registration, ... (1/1/2017)
195.040   Registration requirements — revocation and suspension — review by ... (1/1/2017)
195.041   Emergencies, waiver of registration and record-keeping requirements for ... (8/28/2002)
195.042   Confidentiality of all complaints, investigatory reports and information, ... (8/28/1994)
195.045   Civil immunity for persons required to report to the department of health ... (8/28/1997)
195.050   Controlled substances, legal sales, how made — records required to be kept. (1/1/2017)
195.060   Controlled substances to be dispensed on prescription only, exception. (8/28/2019)
195.070   Prescriptive authority. (8/28/2023)
195.080   Excepted substances — prescription or dispensing limitation on amount of ... (8/28/2019)
195.090   (Repealed L. 1971 H.B. 69 § A) (9/28/1971)
195.100   Labeling requirements. (8/28/2023)
195.110   (Repealed L. 2014 S.B. 491) (1/1/2017)
195.120   (Repealed L. 1971 H.B. 69 § A) (9/28/1971)
195.130   (Transferred 2014; now 579.105) (1/1/2017)
195.135   (Repealed L. 2014 S.B. 491) (1/1/2017)
195.140   Forfeiture of controlled substances and drug paraphernalia, when — disposal ... (1/1/2017)
195.145   (Repealed L. 1993 S.B. 180 § A) (8/28/1993)
195.146   Forfeiture of controlled substances and CAFA applicable to children — ... (8/28/1993)
195.150   Procedure upon conviction for violation. (1/1/2017)
195.160   (Repealed L. 1989 S.B. 215) (8/28/1989)
195.170   (Repealed L. 1989 S.B. 215) (8/28/1989)
195.180   (Transferred 2014; now 579.107) (1/1/2017)
195.190   Enforcement by whom. (1/1/2017)
195.195   Regulations, authority to promulgate, where vested. (1/1/2017)
195.197   Department of health and senior services, duties of. (8/28/1998)
195.198   Educational and research programs authorized — report, contents on effect ... (1/1/2017)
195.200   (Repealed L. 1989 S.B. 215) (8/28/1989)
195.202   (Transferred 2014; now 579.015) (1/1/2017)
195.203   (Repealed L. 2023 H.B. 202 merged with S.B. 138) (8/28/2023)
195.204   (Transferred 2014; now 579.045) (1/1/2017)
195.205   Immunity from liability for seeking or obtaining medical assistance for a ... (8/28/2017)
195.206   Opioid antagonist or addiction mitigation medicine, sale and dispensing of ... (8/28/2023)
195.207   Hemp extract, use of, permitted when — administration to a minor permitted, ... (8/28/2023)
195.210   (Repealed L. 1989 S.B. 215) (8/28/1989)
195.211   (Transferred 2014; now 579.055) (1/1/2017)
195.212   (Transferred 2014; now 579.020) (1/1/2017)
195.213   (Repealed L. 2014 S.B. 491) (1/1/2017)
195.214   (Repealed L. 2014 S.B. 491) (1/1/2017)
195.217   (Repealed L. 2014 S.B. 491) (1/1/2017)
195.218   (Transferred 2014; now 579.030) (1/1/2017)
195.219   (Repealed L. 2014 S.B. 491) (1/1/2017)
195.220   (Repealed L. 1971 H.B. 69 § A) (9/28/1971)
195.221   (Repealed L. 1984 S.B. 611 § 1) (8/13/1984)
195.222   (Transferred 2014; now 579.065) (1/1/2017)
195.223   (Transferred 2014; now 579.068) (1/1/2017)
195.226   (Transferred 2014; now 579.072) (1/1/2017)
195.230   (Repealed L. 1989 S.B. 215) (8/28/1989)
195.233   (Transferred 2014; now 579.074) (1/1/2017)
195.235   (Transferred 2014; now 579.076) (1/1/2017)
195.240   (Repealed L. 1989 S.B. 215) (8/28/1989)
195.241   (Transferred 2014; now 579.078) (1/1/2017)
195.242   (Transferred 2014; now 579.080) (1/1/2017)
195.244   Advertisements to promote sale of drug paraphernalia or imitation ... (8/28/1989)
195.246   (Repealed L. 2014 S.B. 491) (1/1/2017)
195.248   (Transferred 2014; now 579.082) (1/1/2017)
195.250   (Repealed L. 1989 S.B. 215) (8/28/1989)
195.252   (Transferred 2014; now 579.084) (1/1/2017)
195.253   Public nuisances — defendants in suits to enjoin. (8/28/1989)
195.254   (Transferred 2014; now 579.086) (1/1/2017)
195.256   (Repealed L. 2014 S.B. 491) (1/1/2017)
195.260   (Repealed L. 1989 S.B. 215) (8/28/1989)
195.265   Disposal of unused controlled substances, permitted methods — awareness program. (7/6/2018)
195.270   (Repealed L. 1989 S.B. 215) (8/28/1989)
195.275   (Transferred 2014; now 579.170) (1/1/2017)
195.280   (Transferred 2014; now 579.175) (1/1/2017)
195.285   (Repealed L. 2014 S.B. 491) (1/1/2017)
195.290   (Repealed L. 1989 S.B. 215) (8/28/1989)
195.291   (Repealed L. 2014 S.B. 491) (1/1/2017)
195.292   (Repealed L. 2014 S.B. 491) (1/1/2017)
195.295   (Repealed L. 2014 S.B. 491) (1/1/2017)
195.296   (Repealed L. 2014 S.B. 491) (1/1/2017)
195.300   (Repealed L. 1977 H.B. 130 § A) (9/28/1977)
195.310   Injunction authorized. (8/28/1971)
195.320   Purpose clause. (8/28/1971)
195.367   (Transferred 2014; now 579.180) (1/1/2017)
195.369   (Repealed L. 2014 S.B. 491) (1/1/2017)
195.371   (Transferred 2014; now 579.185) (1/1/2017)
195.375   Warrants for administrative inspections, contents, procedures — controlled ... (1/1/2017)
195.400   Reports required, exceptions, penalties — person, defined — list of ... (8/28/2010)
195.405   (Repealed L. 2010 H.B. 1965 § A) (8/28/2010)
195.410   (Repealed L. 2010 H.B. 1965 § A) (8/28/2010)
195.415   (Repealed L. 2010 H.B. 1965 § A) (8/28/2010)
195.417   Limit on sale or dispensing of certain drugs, exceptions — prescription for ... (8/28/2020)
195.418   Limitations on the retail sale of methamphetamine precursor drugs — ... (1/1/2017)
195.420   (Transferred 2014; now 579.110) (1/1/2017)
195.425   (Repealed L. 2010 H.B. 1965 § A) (8/28/2010)
195.500   (Repealed L. 1985 S.B. 265 § 1) (9/28/1985)
195.501   (Transferred 2014; now 650.150) (1/1/2017)
195.503   (Transferred 2014; now 650.153) (1/1/2017)
195.505   (Transferred 2014; now 650.156) (1/1/2017)
195.505   (Repealed L. 1985 S.B. 265 § 1) (9/28/1985)
195.507   (Transferred 2014; now 650.159) (1/1/2017)
195.509   (Transferred 2014; now 650.161) (1/1/2017)
195.510   (Repealed L. 1985 S.B. 265 § 1) (9/28/1985)
195.511   (Transferred 2014; now 650.165) (1/1/2017)
195.515   (Transferred 2014; now 579.115) (1/1/2017)
195.515   (Repealed L. 1985 S.B. 265 § 1) (9/28/1985)
195.520   (Repealed L. 1985 S.B. 265 § 1) (9/28/1985)
195.525   (Repealed L. 1985 S.B. 265 § 1) (9/28/1985)
195.530   (Repealed L. 1985 S.B. 265 § 1) (9/28/1985)
195.535   (Repealed L. 1985 S.B. 265 § 1) (9/28/1985)
195.540   (Repealed L. 1985 S.B. 265 § 1) (9/28/1985)
195.545   (Repealed L. 1985 S.B. 265 § 1) (9/28/1985)
195.550   Electronic prescriptions required, when, exceptions — violations. (8/28/2019)
195.600   Task force established — definitions — members, appointment, expenses — ... (8/28/2021)
195.740   (Repealed L. 2023 H.B. 202 merged with S.B. 138) (8/28/2023)
195.743   (Repealed L. 2023 H.B. 202 merged with S.B. 138) (8/28/2023)
195.746   (Repealed L. 2023 H.B. 202 merged with S.B. 138) (8/28/2023)
195.749   (Repealed L. 2023 H.B. 202 merged with S.B. 138) (8/28/2023)
195.752   (Repealed L. 2023 H.B. 202 merged with S.B. 138) (8/28/2023)
195.755   (Repealed L. 2019 S.B. 133) (8/28/2019)
195.756   (Repealed L. 2023 H.B. 202 merged with S.B. 138) (8/28/2023)
195.758   (Repealed L. 2023 H.B. 202 merged with S.B. 138) (8/28/2023)
195.764   (Repealed L. 2023 H.B. 202 merged with S.B. 138) (8/28/2023)
195.767   (Repealed L. 2023 H.B. 202 merged with S.B. 138) (8/28/2023)
195.770   (Repealed L. 2019 S.B. 133) (8/28/2019)
195.773   (Repealed L. 2023 H.B. 202 merged with S.B. 138) (8/28/2023)
195.805   Edible marijuana — infused products, restrictions on design and shape — THC ... (8/28/2020)
195.815   Fingerprinting requirements, medical marijuana facilities — definitions. (8/28/2022)
195.817   Fingerprinting requirements, marijuana facilities — definitions. (8/28/2023)
195.820   Medical cannabis, processing fee authorized, when. (8/28/2019)
 - Cross References
Adulteration or misbranding of drugs, prohibited, 196.015
All license, permit and certificate applications shall contain the Social Security number of the applicant, 324.024
Costs, persons convicted of violation of this chapter, 488.5332
Criminal activity forfeiture act, (CAFA), definitions applicable to this chapter, 513.605
Drug abuse educational assessment and community treatment program, 559.630 to 559.635
Drug interception techniques, wiretapping, 542.400 to 542.422
Evidence, admission of representative samples of controlled substances, remainder destroyed, 490.733
Intractable pain therapeutic treatment by use of controlled substances authorized, exceptions, 334.106
Marijuana plant to be destroyed, 263.250
New drugs, limitation on sale, 196.105
No bail, certain defendants, certain offenses, 544.671
Occupational diseases directly related to cleanup of illegal drug labs, workers' compensation, 287.070
Operation payback, reimbursement for crime tips, 650.020
Physicians' licenses may be revoked or suspended for improper prescribing of controlled substances, 334.107
Pregnant women, use of cigarettes, drugs, alcohol, effect on, treatment and education, 191.725 to 191.748
Records required for physicians prescribing controlled substances, 334.106, 334.107
Regulation of sale of poisons, 338.090
Treatment courts, 478.001 to 478.009

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