☰ Revisor of Missouri


 Chapter 278 Soil Conservation (with repealers and transfers)
278.010   (Repealed L. 2010 H.B. 1965 § A) (8/28/2010)
278.020   (Repealed L. 2010 H.B. 1965 § A) (8/28/2010)
278.030   (Repealed L. 2010 H.B. 1965 § A) (8/28/2010)
278.040   (Repealed L. 2010 H.B. 1965 § A) (8/28/2010)
278.050   (Repealed L. 2010 H.B. 1965 § A) (8/28/2010)
278.060   Title of law. (8/28/1961)
278.070   Definitions. (6/26/2009)
278.080   Establishing commission — members — powers and duties — rulemaking — ... (8/28/2001)
278.090   Referendum — how conducted. (8/28/1961)
278.100   Establishment of soil and water conservation districts. (8/28/1961)
278.110   Establishment of board of soil and water district supervisors — members, ... (8/28/1980)
278.120   District shall be body corporate — duties. (8/28/1961)
278.130   Soil and water supervisors — limitation of powers. (6/27/2000)
278.135   Districts engaging in soil conservation products business, approval of ... (6/27/2000)
278.140   Two or more districts may cooperate. (8/28/1961)
278.145   Counties and cities may cooperate and contribute. (8/28/1969)
278.150   Disestablishment of soil and water districts — referendum — procedure. (8/28/1961)
278.155   Application to existing districts. (8/28/1961)
278.157   Soil and water conservation district considered a political subdivision for ... (8/28/2018)
278.160   Subdistricts authorized. (8/28/1969)
278.170   Subdistrict, petition to form, requirements. (8/28/1972)
278.180   Hearing — notice. (8/28/1969)
278.190   Publication of notice. (8/28/1969)
278.200   Feasibility determination — election. (8/28/1969)
278.210   Regulations, how approved. (8/28/1969)
278.220   Watershed district located in more than one district, procedure — ... (8/28/2001)
278.230   (1969; Combined with 278.220) (8/28/1969)
278.240   District board of supervisors to govern watershed district, combined boards ... (8/28/2005)
278.245   Condemnation authorized, when — other powers of governing body or trustees ... (8/28/2001)
278.250   Organization tax — annual tax for watershed district — limitation — levy — ... (8/28/2001)
278.255   (Repealed L. 1967 p. 376 § 1) (10/13/1967)
278.257   Consolidation of two or more subdistricts, procedure. (8/28/1969)
278.258   Detachment from watershed subdistrict, procedure — certification by trustees. (8/28/2004)
278.259   Expansion of subdistrict, procedure. (8/28/1969)
278.260   Cooperation with federal programs authorized. (8/28/1969)
278.270   (Repealed L. 1963 p. 405 § 1) (10/13/1963)
278.280   Projects, how financed — special assessment appraisers, duties, ... (8/28/2001)
278.290   Disestablishment of watershed district, procedure. (8/28/2001)
278.300   State soil and water districts commission to control watershed district ... (8/28/2001)
 - Cross References
Agricultural storm water discharge, no permits, not considered unlawful, 644.029
Economic diversification and afforestation act, 252.300 to 252.333
Hearings on environmental matters, department of natural resources has burden of proof, exception, 640.012
State forestry law, Chap. 254
Youth service and conservation corps act, 620.552 to 620.574

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28 Sep 2024 14:02

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