☰ Revisor of Missouri
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 Chapter 444 Rights and Duties of Miners and Mine Owners 
444.010   Mineral land owner to post conditions under which mining operations may be conducted thereon. (8/28/1939)
444.020   Failure to post statement of conditions, effect — rights of miners. (8/28/1939)
444.030   Tender of payment. (8/28/1939)
444.040   Notice to owner or lessee. (8/28/1939)
444.050   Ownership of ore. (8/28/1955)
444.060   Injunction or restraining order — how granted. (8/28/1939)
444.070   Mining extending to adjoining lands, how determined. (8/28/1939)
444.080   Order to be read. (8/28/1939)
444.090   Refusal to permit survey — penalty. (8/28/1939)
444.100   Provisions for mining coal in certain cities. (8/28/1939)
444.110   Notice of intention to mine — publication required. (1/2/1979)
444.120   Permit from mayor and council — petition to circuit court. (8/28/1939)
444.130   Court to authorize mining operations, when — period of time specified. (8/28/1939)
444.140   Form of bond required. (8/28/1939)
444.150   Written permission of owner required — violation — provisions for payment of fine. (8/28/1939)
444.160   Costs, paid by whom. (8/28/1939)
444.170   Diagram showing character and extent of mining operations to be filed in court — forfeiture for failure to comply. (1/2/1979)
444.180   Certain sections apply only to coal mining companies. (8/28/1939)
444.320   Mining under public highways and railroads prohibited. (8/28/1939)
444.330   Penalty for violation of section 444.320. (8/28/1939)
444.350   Citation of law. (8/28/1989)
444.352   Definitions. (8/28/1993)
444.355   Director, powers. (8/28/1989)
444.358   Permit required, when. (8/28/1989)
444.360   Application for permit, contents. (8/28/1989)
444.362   Closure plan, purposes, contents, review of. (8/28/1989)
444.365   Inspection — maintenance plan, purposes, contents, review of. (8/28/1989)
444.368   Financial assurance instrument required, form, amount — confidential information not to be released — duration, use, forfeiture — release of. (8/28/1993)
444.370   Processing fee, annual permit fee — metallic minerals waste management fund, created, uses. (8/28/1993)
444.372   Permits, final approval by director — denial of permit, procedures. (8/28/1989)
444.375   Inspections, investigations, director to perform — civil penalties authorized, procedures — emergency situations, powers of director. (8/28/1993)
444.376   Administrative penalties, assessment, restriction — conference, conciliation and persuasion — rules — payment — appeal — collection, disposition. (8/28/1993)
444.377   Hearings, procedures. (8/28/1989)
444.378   Violations, procedures to forfeit the financial assurance instrument, attorney general to assist, when. (8/28/1989)
444.380   Rules, authority, promulgation, procedure. (8/28/1995)
444.400   Mining compact — purpose, definitions — commission, budget, powers and programs — construction. (8/28/1991)
444.410   Members, interstate mining commission — appointment — compensation. (8/28/1995)
444.500   Citation of law. (8/28/1990)
444.510   Definitions. (8/28/2014)
444.520   Commission, membership, qualifications, terms, compensation, powers — department director, limitation on. (8/28/2014)
444.530   Powers of commission — rules, procedure. (8/28/1995)
444.535   Rules and regulations, commission shall make — variances, procedures, conditions — section not to apply, when. (8/28/1988)
444.540   Annual strip mining permit required, fee, renewal. (8/28/1990)
444.550   Application for permit, contents. (8/28/1990)
444.560   Reclamation plan required, contents. (8/28/1971)
444.570   Bond, amount — commission may waive. (8/28/1990)
444.580   Annual permit, how amended. (8/28/1971)
444.590   Successor operator, assumption of liability — first operator released, when. (8/28/1971)
444.600   Permit — investigation, decision, hearing, court review — appeals. (8/28/2015)
444.610   Reclamation and care requirements. (8/28/1990)
444.620   Time limits on reclamation practices. (8/28/1971)
444.630   Report, when required, contents. (8/28/1971)
444.640   Commission to investigate all reports — release from bond, when. (8/28/1971)
444.650   Application for release from bond — objection, effect of — appeal. (8/28/1971)
444.660   Additional time, granted when. (8/28/1971)
444.670   Commission may inspect and search — warrant, where obtained. (1/2/1979)
444.680   Injunction, when — violation, procedure — hearing. (8/28/1971)
444.690   Testimony at hearing, how recorded — available, when. (8/28/1971)
444.700   Judicial review, when — additional evidence authorized. (8/28/1971)
444.710   Injunction and forfeiture of bond, when — attorney general to act. (8/28/1971)
444.720   Rules and regulations, when effective — notice, hearing — variances authorized. (8/28/1971)
444.730   Mined land reclamation fund created — purpose. (8/28/1990)
444.740   Commission authorized to receive funds and services. (8/28/1971)
444.750   Recreational use of reclaimed lands encouraged. (8/28/1971)
444.755   Repeal of existing law not intended. (8/28/1971)
444.760   Short title. (8/28/1971)
444.762   Declaration of policy. (8/28/2014)
444.765   Definitions. (8/28/2014)
444.766   Exceptions to land reclamation act provisions. (8/28/2009)
444.767   Powers of commission — rules, procedure, review. (8/28/2001)
444.768   Fee, bond, or assessment structure, comprehensive review — proposal to be submitted, approval by commission — rulemaking requirements — late fee, when — court action, when. (8/28/2023)
444.770   Permit required, when — release of certain bonds — complaints, requirements. (8/28/2014)
444.771   Limitation on permits near an accredited school. (7/11/2011)
444.772   Permit — application, contents, fees — amendment, how made — successor operator, duties of — fees expire, when. (8/28/2023)
444.773   Director to investigate applications — decision to issue or deny — denial of permit, appeal, procedure — commission to issue decision. (8/28/2015)
444.774   Reclamation requirements and conditions. (8/28/2009)
444.775   Release of bond, conditions — petition, hearing — administrative review. (8/28/2001)
444.777   Entry upon lands and inspection by commission members — warrants to issue. (8/28/2001)
444.778   Bond — form — amount — duration — forfeiture — power of reclamation. (8/28/2001)
444.782   Attorney general to represent commission, when — hearings on bond forfeiture, notice. (8/28/2001)
444.784   Commission rules and regulations authorized — delegation of authority — forfeiture funds, where expended. (8/28/2001)
444.786   Operation without permit prohibited, penalty. (8/28/2001)
444.787   Investigation by commission, attorney general to file suit — formal complaint procedure. (8/28/2001)
444.788   Civil action. (8/28/2001)
444.789   Administrative procedure — inapplicability to public meetings. (8/28/2001)
444.790   Administrative penalties — not to be assessed for minor violation, definition — amount set by rule, limitation — payment when — appeal, effect — surcharge due when — unpaid penalty, collection — time limitation to assess violation — judicial appeal — civil action, effect, exception — habitual violator, defined. (8/28/1991)
444.800   Citation of law — legislative intent declared — rules and regulations authorized, procedure. (8/28/1995)
444.805   Definitions. (8/28/2014)
444.810   Powers of commission — abandoned mine reclamation fund created, purpose. (8/28/1995)
444.815   Permits required, kind, when to be obtained — term — effect of lack of operation — renewals — exemptions. (8/28/1988)
444.820   Permit fees — contents of application — confidential items — copy to be filed with recorder of deeds — insurance required. (5/9/1980)
444.825   Reclamation plan contents — confidential items. (8/28/1979)
444.830   Phase I reclamation bond to be filed, when — adjustment of amount of bond and terms, by commission, when. (8/28/1993)
444.835   Permit to be granted or application to be modified or denied — notification required — requirements to be met before permit to be issued — additional items to be filed with application — exemptions. (8/28/1979)
444.840   Revision of permit, procedure — transfer or assignment to have prior approval — commission may require permit revision — operator may be released from liability. (8/28/1979)
444.845   Coal exploration permit required — contents of application — bond required — confidential items — limitation on removal of coal — sections 444.800 to 444.940 applicable to coal exploration rules and regulations. (8/28/1979)
444.850   Publication of intent — notification to local governments — comments and objections may be filed, procedure — conferences, findings — hearings — appeals. (8/28/1979)
444.855   Performance standards to be met in surface mining operations — explosives — reclamation efforts. (8/28/1979)
444.860   Performance standards to be met in underground mining operations — rules and regulations. (8/28/1979)
444.865   Records and reports required — entry and inspection authorized — ownership information to be displayed — commission employees not to engage in mining, penalty — employees to file financial statements. (8/28/1979)
444.870   Penalties, administrative and criminal, procedure. (8/28/1993)
444.875   Release of all or part of performance bond, procedure — objections may be filed. (8/28/1993)
444.880   Actions to compel compliance, limitation — costs of litigation — actions for damages. (8/28/1979)
444.885   Cessation orders — suspension or revocation of permits — injunctive relief. (8/28/1979)
444.890   Commission to designate areas unsuitable for surface mining — review required — excepted lands — procedure. (8/28/1979)
444.895   Review of cessation orders and permit suspensions and revocations — procedure — temporary relief — hearings, conduct. (8/28/1979)
444.900   Judicial review. (8/28/1979)
444.905   Severability — rights retained — replacement of water — explosives regulations. (8/28/1979)
444.915   Abandoned mine reclamation fund — deposits and expenditures. (8/28/1993)
444.920   Abandoned mine reclamation fund, commission's duties and powers. (8/28/1979)
444.925   Entry upon property by commission staff, procedure — acquisition of land by commission — use and disposal of land — price — public hearings. (8/28/1979)
444.930   Liens for corrective measures — amount, filing, valuation — appeals, priority of liens. (8/28/1979)
444.935   Public health hazards — actions to abate, procedure. (8/28/1979)
444.940   Report on fund required — administration of fund, rules and regulations — authorized activities — water pollution treatment. (8/28/1979)
444.950   Phase I reclamation bond requirements — rules, procedure to adopt — rights and duties of mine owners. (8/28/1995)
444.955   Revegetation of mined land, responsibility transfer, approval required. (4/7/1982)
444.960   Fund, coal mine land reclamation, established, purpose, duties. (8/28/1993)
444.965   Assessment for fund, amount paid, when — additional assessment, determined how, when. (8/28/1993)
444.970   Penalty — delinquency or failure to comply with assessment or reclamation plan. (4/7/1982)
444.980   Appeal of permit decision, procedure. (8/28/2015)
 - Cross References
Hearings on environmental matters, department of natural resources has burden of proof, exception, 640.012
Land reclamation commission transferred to department of natural resources, 640.010
Mine drainage districts generally, 242.700 to 242.750
Mine safety regulations, inspection, Chap. 293
Missouri coal to be used at state institutions, when, 34.080
Strip mining of coal and barite, 444.500 to 444.755
Surface mining of clay, limestone, sand and gravel, 444.760 to 444.790
Underground facility safety and damage prevention law, generally, 319.010 to 319.050

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