☰ Revisor of Missouri


 Chapter 644 Water Pollution (with repealers and transfers)
644.006   Citation of act. (8/28/1973)
644.011   Statement of policy. (8/28/2015)
644.016   Definitions. (7/9/2024)
644.018   Reasonable use defined in cases involving surface water in flood-prone areas. (6/9/1998)
644.021   Commission created, members, qualifications, term — meetings. (10/14/2016)
644.026   Powers and duties of commission — rules, procedure. (8/28/2014)
644.027   Sewer districts and systems made available to political subdivisions, no ... (4/17/2001)
644.029   New water quality requirements, grandfathering provision. (8/28/2013)
644.031   Storm water control, first class counties, Kansas City and St. Louis — ... (8/28/1999)
644.032   Sales tax for purpose of storm water control or local parks or both may be ... (8/28/2004)
644.033   Sales tax collection to be deposited in local parks and storm water control ... (8/28/1995)
644.034   Wastewater and water pollution abatement in certain counties (including ... (7/13/1999)
644.036   Public hearings — rules and regulations, how promulgated — listings under ... (7/11/2011)
644.037   Wetlands impact by nationwide permit, department to certify. (6/9/1998)
644.038   Certification of nationwide permit by department, when. (8/28/2001)
644.041   Effluent regulations to be promulgated — nutrient management technical ... (7/9/2024)
644.042   Losing streams, a rebuttable presumption, how determined. (6/9/1998)
644.051   Prohibited acts — permits required, when, exemptions, fee — permit ... (7/9/2024)
644.052   Permit types, fees, amounts — requests for permit modifications — requests ... (8/28/2013)
644.053   Construction permit, fees — general construction permits by rule, fees not ... (8/28/2000)
644.054   Fees, billing and collection — administration, generally — fees to become ... (8/28/2018)
644.055   Fees, nonpayment — penalty. (8/28/1990)
644.056   Investigations, when — misrepresentation or failure to disclose a ... (8/28/2015)
644.057   Clean water fee structure review, requirements. (8/28/2023)
644.058   Water quality standards revised, when — evaluation to be conducted, when. (8/28/2014)
644.059   Agricultural storm water discharge exempt from permitting requirements — ... (8/28/2018)
644.060   Processed recycled asphalt shingles — use without permit, when. (8/28/2022)
644.061   Variances, when allowed — petition, fee — variance revoked, when — judicial ... (8/28/2000)
644.062   Provisional variances granted, when — procedure. (8/28/2013)
644.066   Public hearings, how conducted — transcripts available — discovery ... (8/28/2000)
644.071   Judicial review authorized. (8/28/2012)
644.076   Unlawful acts prohibited — false statements and negligent acts prohibited — ... (8/28/2005)
644.079   Administrative penalties, assessments, restrictions — conference, ... (8/28/1993)
644.082   Discharging water contaminants, permit required — violation, penalties. (8/28/1982)
644.091   State or its subdivisions not to contract with violator. (7/23/1973)
644.096   State or its subdivisions may recover actual damages from violators. (7/23/1973)
644.101   Certain drinking water and water pollution projects, state may provide ... (7/7/2009)
644.102   Matching grants for state revolving loan recipients. (8/28/2007)
644.106   State contributions limited — interest, limited — administrative fee allowed. (6/18/1991)
644.111   Commission to administer all state funds. (6/18/1991)
644.116   Rules and regulations to be adopted by commission — clean water commission ... (6/9/1998)
644.117   Small rural communities to have percentage of funds. (8/28/1987)
644.121   Rules and procedures, commission to adopt. (6/18/1991)
644.122   Water and wastewater loan fund established — use of funds — deposits, ... (8/28/2000)
644.123   Repayment of loans credited to fund — administrative fees, deposit of, uses of. (6/18/1991)
644.124   State treasurer authorized to invest moneys of fund. (6/18/1991)
644.125   Delinquent repayment by county or municipality, repayment out of sales tax ... (6/18/1991)
644.126   Water pollution board rules and orders to remain in effect until new ... (7/23/1973)
644.131   Other legal remedies not to be affected or abridged by sections 644.006 to ... (7/23/1973)
644.136   Commission designated official state agency to deal with federal government ... (6/18/1991)
644.141   Designation of special areas by governor — appointment of agency to control ... (7/23/1973)
644.143   Commission to establish groundwater remediation procedures, criteria for ... (8/28/1999)
644.145   Affordability finding required, when — definitions — procedures to be ... (7/9/2024)
644.150   Subdivision defined. (8/28/1998)
644.200   Wastewater treatment system upgrades, department duties — analysis of options. (6/28/2016)
644.500   Commissioners authorized to borrow $20,000,000 for control of water pollution. (3/29/1972)
644.502   Commissioners authorized to borrow additional $20,000,000 for control of ... (8/28/1983)
644.503   Commissioners authorized to borrow additional $35,000,000 for control of ... (8/28/1984)
644.504   Commissioners authorized to borrow additional $35,000,000 for control of ... (8/28/1987)
644.505   Bonds, when issued — denominations — interest, how set — form of bonds — ... (6/18/1991)
644.506   (Repealed L. 1991 S.B. 185 § C) (6/18/1991)
644.507   Exception to limitations on bond interest rates. (6/18/1991)
644.508   Borrowing additional sums, commissioners authority, state credit. (8/28/1997)
644.509   Debt authorization. (8/28/1999)
644.510   Bonds, how registered. (3/29/1972)
644.511   Additional bonds, how registered. (7/23/1973)
644.515   Bonds, how sold, deposits — proceeds — expenses of sale, how paid. (3/29/1972)
644.516   Additional bonds, how sold, deposits — proceeds — expenses of sale, how paid. (6/18/1991)
644.520   Proceeds of sale, how handled. (3/29/1972)
644.521   Proceeds of sale of additional bonds, how handled. (6/18/1991)
644.526   Investment of water pollution control funds — interest to accrue to fund. (8/28/1983)
644.530   Water pollution control bond and interest fund created, how used. (3/29/1972)
644.531   Water pollution control bond and interest fund, how used. (6/18/1991)
644.535   Water pollution control bond and interest fund, how deposited. (6/18/1991)
644.536   (Repealed L. 1991 S.B. 185 § C) (6/18/1991)
644.540   Tangible property tax, when levied. (3/29/1972)
644.541   Tangible property tax, when levied. (7/23/1973)
644.545   Water pollution control bond and interest fund money to stand appropriated ... (3/29/1972)
644.546   Water pollution control bond and interest fund money to stand appropriated ... (7/23/1973)
644.550   (Repealed L. 2010 H.B. 1965 § A) (8/28/2010)
644.551   Additional bonds, principal and interest, how and when paid — repurchase when. (8/28/2010)
644.555   Treasurer to report on bond transactions to general assembly. (3/29/1972)
644.556   Treasurer to report on additional bond transactions to general assembly. (6/18/1991)
644.560   Bonds to be issued as funds are required — issuance by resolution of board ... (3/29/1972)
644.561   Additional bonds to be issued as funds are required — issuance by ... (6/18/1991)
644.564   Commissioner authorized to borrow additional $30,000,000 for water ... (6/6/1989)
644.566   Commissioners authorized to borrow additional $2,500,000 for improvements. (8/28/1999)
644.566   Commissioners authorized to borrow additional $2,500,000 for improvements ... (8/28/1999)
644.568   Commissioners may borrow additional $10,000,000 for rural water and sewer ... (8/28/1999)
644.570   Commissioners may borrow additional $20,000,000 for grants and loans to ... (8/28/2008)
644.571   Contingent effective date. (8/28/2008)
644.572   Commissioners authorized to borrow additional $10,000,000 for improvements. (8/28/2000)
644.573   Commissioners may borrow additional $10,000,000 for improvements. (8/28/2001)
644.574   Commissioners may borrow additional $20,000,000 for rural water and sewer ... (8/28/2000)
644.575   Commissioners may borrow additional $10,000,000 for rural water and sewer ... (8/28/2001)
644.576   Commissioners may borrow additional $40,000,000 for grants and loans to ... (8/28/2000)
644.577   Commissioners may borrow additional $20,000,000 for grants and loans to ... (8/28/2001)
644.578   Board may borrow additional $10,000,000 for purposes of water pollution ... (8/28/2002)
644.579   Board may borrow additional $10,000,000 for purposes of rural water and ... (8/28/2002)
644.580   Board may borrow additional $20,000,000 for purposes of storm water control. (8/28/2002)
644.581   Board may borrow additional $10,000,000 for purposes of water pollution ... (8/28/2004)
644.582   Board may borrow additional $10,000,000 for purposes of rural water and ... (8/28/2004)
644.583   Board may borrow additional $20,000,000 for purposes of storm water control. (8/28/2004)
644.584   Board may borrow additional $10,000,000 for purposes of water pollution ... (8/28/2005)
644.585   Board may borrow additional $10,000,000 for purposes of rural water and ... (8/28/2005)
644.586   Board may borrow additional $20,000,000 for purposes of storm water control. (8/28/2005)
644.587   Board may borrow additional $10,000,000 for purposes of water pollution, ... (8/28/2006)
644.588   Board may borrow additional $10,000,000 for purposes of rural water and ... (8/28/2006)
644.589   Board may borrow additional $20,000,000 for purposes of storm water control. (8/28/2006)
644.597   Board may borrow additional $10,000,000 for purposes of water pollution, ... (8/28/2007)
644.598   Board may borrow additional $10,000,000 for purposes of rural water and ... (8/28/2007)
644.599   Board may borrow additional $20,000,000 for purposes of storm water control. (8/28/2007)
 - Cross References
Additional duties and powers of commission, Chap. 256
Bond issue for water pollution, drinking water and storm water control, Const., Art. III § 37(e)
City may contract with industrial establishment to abate stream pollution, 250.230
Hearings on environmental matters, department of natural resources has burden of proof, exception, 640.012
Liability on lender-owners for precedent environmental conditions, state preemption of legislation, 427.041
Military service, exemption from certification requirements, 41.950
Nonattainment areas, carbon emissions, implementation impact report, 640.090
Underground storage tank regulation, 319.100 to 319.139

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