☰ Revisor of Missouri
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 Chapter 700 Manufactured Homes (Mobile Homes) 
700.010   Definitions. (3/1/2011)
700.015   Code compliance required, when — seal required — exemptions from code requirements for sale of new recreational vehicles and park trailers. (8/28/2001)
700.021   Seals issued to persons, when — manufacturer to certify that unit meets code. (8/28/1999)
700.025   Alteration of unit with seal, prohibited when. (8/28/2001)
700.030   Reciprocal recognition of seals, when. (8/28/1999)
700.035   Unit bearing seal not required to comply with certain other codes — special provisions for recreational vehicles and park trailers. (8/28/1999)
700.040   Duties and powers of commission — manufactured housing fund created, purpose — rules, procedure. (8/28/1999)
700.041   Manufactured housing consumer recovery fund established, use of moneys. (8/28/2008)
700.045   Certain acts declared misdemeanors. (8/28/2008)
700.050   Issuance of seals to manufacturer suspended, when — removal of attached seal, when. (8/28/2001)
700.055   Serial numbers required when, form. (8/28/1978)
700.056   Dealer to provide buyer certain information. (8/28/2008)
700.060   Units covered by sections 700.060 to 700.115. (8/28/1999)
700.065   Manufactured homes to be anchored. (8/28/2008)
700.076   Owner to anchor manufactured home, how, when — commission may promulgate rules — insurers to insure, when, must pay, when — suit against persons anchoring or tying down manufactured home, damages, equitable relief. (8/28/1982)
700.080   Letter of approval required for anchoring and tiedown systems — display and copy requirements. (8/28/1982)
700.085   Certain units exempt from sections 700.060 to 700.085, when. (8/28/1982)
700.090   Manufacturers and dealers to register — commission to issue certificate, when — registration to be renewed, when, fee — renewals may be staggered. (8/28/2008)
700.095   Registration and renewal requirements, application contents — fee. (8/28/2008)
700.096   Monthly reports required — inspection of certain records authorized — law enforcement official defined. (8/28/2008)
700.097   Registration not required, when. (8/28/2008)
700.098   Sanctioning of registration, when. (8/28/2008)
700.100   Refusal to renew, grounds, notification to applicant, contents — complaints may be considered. (3/1/2011)
700.111   Surrender of certificate of origin and certificate of title — confirmation of conversion, when — rulemaking authority (3/1/2011)
700.115   Violation of sections 700.010 to 700.115 constitutes violation of section 407.020 — violation of chapter, penalties — rules. (8/28/2008)
700.320   Certificate of title, application procedure, fees — payment of sales tax before issuance — purchase price, defined — certificates may be transferred, when, procedure — refusal to issue, when — affidavit of affixation, requirements — certificates, requirements. (3/1/2011)
700.350   Liens and encumbrances — valid, perfected, when, how — home subject to, when, how determined — security procedures — validity of prior transactions. (8/28/2011)
700.355   Certificates of title, delivery of, how, to whom — election for director to retain possession, procedure. (8/28/2002)
700.360   Creation of lien or encumbrance by owner, duties, failure to perform, penalty — subordinate lienholders, perfection procedure — new certificate issued, when — governing, law. (3/1/2011)
700.365   Assignment of lien or encumbrance by lienholder, rights and obligations — perfection by assignee, how. (8/28/2002)
700.370   Satisfaction of lien or encumbrance, release of, procedure. (8/28/2015)
700.375   Provisions of sections 700.350 to 700.380 exclusive — exceptions. (3/1/2011)
700.380   Liens and encumbrances incurred before July 1, 2003 — how terminated, completed and enforced. (8/28/2002)
700.385   Repossessed homes, certificate of title — application procedure, fee, form of — manufactured homes, notice — issued when — director of revenue, duties — rulemaking authority. (3/1/2011)
700.500   Director of revenue to notify assessor of home's location, when. (12/31/1985)
700.525   Manufactured home defined. (3/1/2011)
700.526   Abandonment deemed, when. (3/1/2011)
700.527   Abandonment of manufactured home or rental real property — owner of property may seek lien, when, procedure — director's duties. (3/1/2011)
700.528   Contest of lien, procedure. (3/1/2011)
700.529   Notice of lien — lien amount deemed unpaid rent — no certificate of title until all rent paid. (3/1/2011)
700.541   Rules, promulgation. (8/28/1995)
700.600   Notice required before landlord may evict, when — landlord prohibited from increasing rent, when. (8/28/2004)
700.630   Survivorship interest in manufactured homes — issuance of certificates of ownership, requirements, restrictions. (3/1/2011)
700.650   Citation — definitions. (8/28/2008)
700.653   Program to assure proper installation of manufactured homes required. (8/28/2004)
700.656   Installers to be licensed by the commission — no local license required — certain entities to employ licensed installers — license not required, when. (8/28/2004)
700.659   License issued by commission, when, applicant requirements — additional requirements — term of license, renewal. (8/28/2004)
700.665   Limited-use installer license authorized. (8/28/2004)
700.668   Renewal notice — notification of insurance coverage — license inactive, when — reissue of license authorized. (8/28/2004)
700.671   Prohibitions — violation, penalty. (8/28/2004)
700.674   Prohibitions. (8/28/2004)
700.677   Discipline authorized — methods of discipline — complaint may be considered, effect — notice. (8/28/2004)
700.680   Complaints to be investigated — subpoenas authorized — petition in court authorized, when. (8/28/2004)
700.683   Installers to follow standards — standards to be adopted by commission — commission decals. (8/28/2004)
700.686   Inspection standards. (8/28/2004)
700.689   Dispute process required. (8/28/2004)
700.692   Administration — fees authorized — rulemaking authority. (8/28/2004)
 - Cross References
Moving on interstate highways, special permit if over dimension or weight limit, 304.200
Taxed and assessed as real property if used as dwelling, 137.115

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