☰ Revisor of Missouri


 Chapter 105 Public Officers and Employees — Miscellaneous Provisions 
105.660   Definitions, retirement benefit changes. (8/28/2014)
105.661   All retirement plans to prepare financial report, content audit by state ... (8/28/2011)
105.662   Public pension funds not to be commingled — trusteeship. (8/28/1992)
105.663   Retirement plan may appoint attorney as legal advisor. (8/28/1995)
105.664   Actuarial valuation performed at least biennially — forwarded to joint ... (8/28/2014)
105.665   Cost statement of proposed changes prepared by actuary — contents. (8/28/2014)
105.666   Board member education program, curriculum, requirements — annual pension ... (8/28/2018)
105.667   Gain or profit from funds or transactions of plan, prohibited when. (8/28/2007)
105.669   Felony conviction, ineligible for benefits, when — employer to notify of ... (8/28/2017)
105.670   Cost statement available for inspection — effect of changes (general assembly). (8/28/2014)
105.675   Cost statement available for inspection (political subdivisions). (8/28/1996)
105.679   Contact information for retired members to be provided, when (St. Louis City). (8/28/2003)
105.680   Expenses for cost statements, how paid. (8/28/1985)
105.683   Plan deemed delinquent, when, effect of. (8/28/2014)
105.684   Benefit increases prohibited, when — amortization of unfunded actuarial ... (8/28/2014)
105.685   Effective date of changes. (8/6/1979)

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28 Sep 2024 08:37

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