☰ Revisor of Missouri


 Chapter 148 Taxation of Financial Institutions 
148.610   Definitions. (8/28/2002)
148.620   Annual tax on net income, rate — credits allowed, exceptions. (8/28/1993)
148.630   Net income and gross income defined — deductions authorized — net income ... (8/28/1993)
148.640   Return filed when — extension of time granted when — interest due on late ... (1/1/1987)
148.650   Payment of tax due when — excess payment, credit allowed — delinquent, ... (1/1/1987)
148.655   Tax credit allowed for S corporation shareholders of associations, amount. (8/28/2006)
148.657   Tax credit allowed for S corporation shareholders of credit institutions, ... (8/28/2006)
148.660   Deposit of taxes, director of revenue's duties — funds established — ... (5/25/1982)
148.670   Taxes returned to county where taxpayer has office — state collection fee — ... (5/25/1982)
148.680   Hearing procedure on disputed amount — appeal. (5/25/1982)
148.690   First taxable year, when, how computed. (5/25/1982)
148.700   Rules and regulations, authority to promulgate, procedure — taxpayer's ... (8/28/1996)
148.710   Violations, penalties. (5/25/1982)

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28 Sep 2024 09:58

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