☰ Revisor of Missouri


 Chapter 150 Merchants', Manufacturers', Itinerant Vendors' and Peddlers' Licenses and Taxes 
150.300   Manufacturer defined. (8/28/1945)
150.310   Manufacturer to be licensed and taxed, exemptions — license period. (1/1/1982)
150.325   Assessor to inspect establishments of manufacturer and report. (8/28/1959)
150.330   Equalization of valuations by board — notice of raise. (8/28/1951)
150.340   Clerk to extend taxes, compensation for such duty — state to pay one-half. (1/1/1978)
150.350   Manufacturers' taxation and collection in St. Louis City. (6/19/1992)
150.360   Report to state tax commission and governor (cities of 100,000 or more). (8/28/1945)
150.370   Refusal to make annual statements — penalty. (8/28/1945)

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