☰ Revisor of Missouri


 Chapter 197 Medical Treatment Facility Licenses 
197.010   Citation of law. (8/28/1953)
197.020   Definitions. (8/28/2023)
197.030   Purposes of law. (8/28/1953)
197.032   Hospitals and medical personnel may refuse abortions — no denial of public ... (8/28/1973)
197.040   License for hospital required. (7/1/2018)
197.050   Application for license, contents — fee. (7/1/2018)
197.052   Adjacent property, hospital may revise premises of campus for licensure ... (8/28/2018)
197.060   License to issue, when — annual renewal — not transferable. (8/28/1953)
197.065   Life safety code standards — waiver, when — rulemaking authority. (8/28/2016)
197.070   Denial, suspension or revocation of license. (7/1/2018)
197.071   Review by administrative hearing commission. (7/1/2018)
197.080   Rules, procedure — regulations and standards — review and revision of ... (7/1/2018)
197.090   Existing hospitals to be allowed time to meet standards. (8/28/1953)
197.100   Inspections by department of health and senior services required, reports ... (8/28/2022)
197.105   Investigation of complaints, department to post on website, content. (8/28/2013)
197.108   Former employees not to inspect or survey hospital — required disclosures — ... (8/28/2019)
197.120   Operating hospital without license a misdemeanor — proceedings to restrain. (8/28/1953)

Official Website for the Revised Statutes of Missouri

26 Sep 2024 12:48

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