☰ Revisor of Missouri


 Chapter 214 Cemeteries 
214.270   Definitions. (8/28/2010)
214.275   License, cemeteries — division's powers and duties — limitations. (8/28/2007)
214.276   Refusal to issue license, grounds — complaint, procedure. (8/28/2020)
214.277   Injunctions, restraining orders, other court remedies available — venue. (8/28/2010)
214.280   Election to operate as endowed care cemetery filing with division of ... (8/28/2009)
214.282   Voidability of contracts, exceptions. (8/28/2010)
214.283   Notification of burial lands — registry of cemeteries to be kept by ... (8/28/2010)
214.300   Nonendowed cemetery may qualify as endowed, when — minimum care and ... (8/28/2010)
214.310   Endowed care and maintenance fund, minimum amount — bond — posting of sign, ... (8/28/2010)
214.320   Deposits in fund required, amount — annual report, form furnished by ... (8/28/2010)
214.325   Required deposits — deficiency — effect — penalty. (8/28/2010)
214.330   Endowed care fund held in trust or segregated account — requirements — ... (8/28/2010)
214.335   Contributions to endowed care fund for memorial or monument — deficiency, ... (8/28/2010)
214.340   Report required — content — oath — filing required. (8/28/2010)
214.345   Sale of cemetery plot — written statement to be given to purchaser — copy ... (8/28/2010)
214.360   Private use of trust funds prohibited. (8/28/2010)
214.363   Bankruptcy, assignment for benefit of creditors, endowed care fund exempt. (8/28/2010)
214.365   Cemetery failing to provide maintenance — abandonment or ceasing to ... (8/28/2010)
214.367   Sale of assets, notice required — prospective purchaser of endowed care ... (8/28/2010)
214.370   Nonendowed cemetery to post signs and give notice of its character. (8/28/1961)
214.380   Nonendowed section of endowed care cemetery — signs and notice. (8/28/1961)
214.385   Moving of grave marker, replacement — delivery of item of burial merchandise. (8/28/2009)
214.387   Burial merchandise or services, deferral of delivery, when — escrow ... (8/28/2010)
214.389   Suspension of distribution, when, procedure. (8/28/2010)
214.390   Existing cemeteries to operate under law — local law applicable. (8/28/1990)
214.392   Division of professional registration, duties and powers in regulation of ... (8/28/2021)
214.400   Citation of law. (8/28/2010)
214.410   Violation of law, penalty. (1/1/2017)
214.450   Indian cemeteries, how established — trust fund authorized. (8/28/1990)
214.455   Destruction or defacing any cemetery property, penalty. (8/28/1990)
214.500   Cemeteries acquired by a city at tax sales or as nuisances may be sold. (8/28/2010)
214.504   No liability for new cemetery operators, when — rights of holders of ... (8/28/2010)
214.508   Previous cemetery owner liable, when. (8/28/2010)
214.512   New cemetery owner not liable for deficiencies, exception. (8/28/2010)
214.516   Registration as an endowed care cemetery, when — compliance with endowed ... (8/28/2010)

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