☰ Revisor of Missouri


 Chapter 260 Environmental Control 
260.005   Definitions. (8/28/1993)
260.010   Authority created. (4/30/1982)
260.015   Purpose of authority. (8/28/1993)
260.020   Membership of authority, appointed how, terms, quorum. (8/28/1973)
260.025   Officers, how selected. (1/22/1973)
260.030   Compensation and expenses. (1/22/1973)
260.035   Powers of authority — authority employee membership in state employees' ... (8/28/2019)
260.040   Revenue bonds, issued when — sale, limitations — procedure — rate. (4/30/1982)
260.045   Notes issued when, how sold. (8/28/1985)
260.050   Renewal notes or refunding bonds issued when. (1/22/1973)
260.055   Resolution authorizing notes or bonds, contents of. (1/22/1973)
260.060   Resolution may provide for trust agreements. (1/22/1973)
260.065   Notes and bonds not an indebtedness of the state. (8/28/1985)
260.070   Notes and bonds approved as investments — who may invest. (1/22/1973)
260.075   Projects subject to taxation — notes, bonds and their income tax free, ... (1/22/1973)
260.080   Funds of authority not to be distributed to members or private persons, ... (1/22/1973)
260.085   Termination or dissolution, property to pass to state. (1/22/1973)
260.090   Proposed expenditure of federal funds in coming fiscal year requires ... (4/30/1982)
260.095   Contracts between authority and political subdivisions, purpose. (8/28/1985)
260.100   Authority member not personally liable on notes or bonds issued. (4/30/1982)
260.110   Statutory conflicts, which prevails. (4/30/1982)
260.115   Loans for energy resource development, requirements — fee charged, when — ... (4/30/1982)
260.120   Interest rate on loans. (4/30/1982)
260.125   Severability. (4/30/1982)
260.200   Definitions. (8/28/2022)
260.203   Infectious waste, treatment of — hospitals, department of health and senior ... (8/28/1993)
260.204   Permit for treatment of infectious waste, not to be issued, when. (5/5/1988)
260.205   Permit required to operate facility, and construction permit to construct ... (8/28/2024)
260.206   Owner or operator shall provide quality assurance and quality control ... (8/28/1995)
260.207   Permit not to be issued, when — notice to department of certain crimes, ... (1/1/2017)
260.208   Contracts with specified parties prohibited, when — notice of certain ... (1/1/2017)
260.209   Property acquired outside city, county or district for solid waste ... (8/28/1999)
260.210   Prohibited acts, exception — search warrants to issue, when — ... (8/28/2000)
260.211   Demolition waste, criminal disposition of — penalties — conspiracy. (1/1/2017)
260.212   Solid waste, criminal disposition of — penalties — conspiracy. (1/1/2017)
260.213   Disclosure of landfill, sale of property, required. (8/28/1990)
260.214   Preliminary site investigation approval, not required for certain counties ... (8/28/2013)
260.215   Solid wastes, how handled — duties of cities and counties — exemptions — ... (6/19/1992)
260.216   Solid waste disposal in receptacle of another, prohibited — penalty. (6/19/1992)
260.220   Plans to be submitted, contents of — disapproval, effect of. (8/28/1975)
260.221   Processed recycled asphalt shingles — definitions — use without permit, when. (8/28/2022)
260.225   Duties of department — rules and regulations, promulgation of, procedures — ... (8/28/2015)
260.226   Closure of facility, plan to be submitted, contents — notice, when — ... (8/28/1986)
260.227   Postclosure plan, contents — financial assurance instrument required — ... (8/28/1995)
260.228   Failure to implement closure, postclosure plan or corrective action plan, ... (8/28/1995)
260.230   Department may order repairs, alterations, construction or reconstruction, ... (8/28/1991)
260.235   Appeal, judicial review, procedure — injunction based on seriousness of ... (8/28/2015)
260.236   Severability of provisions. (8/28/1986)
260.240   Violations, how proceeded against — county regulations, how enforced, ... (8/28/2019)
260.241   Permit not to be issued, when. (8/28/1995)
260.242   Coal combustion residual units — rules for closure and groundwater criteria ... (8/28/2018)
260.243   Buffer zone required, commercial processing facility, how determined. (8/28/1993)
260.245   Tax, how levied — limitation — form of ballot. (8/28/1978)
260.247   Annexation or expansion of solid waste services by city, notice to certain ... (1/1/2008)
260.249   Administrative penalties — not to be assessed for minor violation, ... (8/28/2013)
260.250   Major appliances, waste oil, yard waste and batteries, disposal restricted ... (8/28/2015)
260.253   Department to provide technical assistance and public education programs on ... (8/28/1995)
260.254   Grants for household consumer-used motor oil collection systems, ... (8/28/1995)
260.260   Batteries, lead-acid, disposal of restricted — penalty. (8/28/1995)
260.262   Retailers of lead-acid batteries, duties — notice to purchaser, contents. (8/28/2023)
260.264   Notices to public, batteries, duties of department. (8/28/1990)
260.266   Wholesalers of lead-acid batteries, duties — storage of batteries, requirements. (8/28/1995)
260.267   Restriction on sales of certain batteries, effective dates — sale of ... (8/28/1995)
260.269   In-state private entity disposal permitted, when. (8/28/2011)
260.270   Scrap tires, prohibited activities — penalties — site owners, no new scrap ... (8/28/2005)
260.272   Scrap tires and rubber chips may be used as landfill cover, department of ... (8/28/2005)
260.273   Fee, sale of new tires, amount — collection, use of moneys — termination. (8/28/2023)
260.275   Scrap tire site, closure plan, contents — financial assurance instrument, ... (8/28/2009)
260.276   Nuisance abatement activities, department may conduct — costs, civil action ... (8/28/2009)
260.278   Performance bond or letter of credit required for transporter of scrap ... (8/28/2005)
260.279   Preference and bonus points for contracts for the removal or clean up of ... (8/28/2014)
260.280   Container defined — plastic ring or holding device must be biodegradable ... (1/1/1991)
260.281   Plastic, plastic bottles or rigid plastic container defined — containers, ... (1/1/1992)
260.283   Paper or plastic bags, customers to have option, when — political ... (10/16/2015)
260.295   Refrigerants, use of — building codes not to prohibit if approved for use ... (8/28/2022)
260.300   Regions, division of state into — procedures, purpose. (8/28/1990)
260.302   County may apply for change in region, when, procedures. (6/19/1992)
260.305   Creation of district, procedures — boundaries, limitations — petition to ... (6/19/1992)
260.310   Contractual authority, powers. (8/28/1990)
260.315   Council, selection of members, terms — meetings — powers — selection of ... (8/28/1990)
260.320   Executive board, meetings, selection of officers — powers, duties — ... (8/28/2015)
260.324   Grants, familial relationships not a disqualifier — voting restrictions. (8/28/2015)
260.325   Solid waste management plan, submitted to department, contents, procedures ... (8/28/2015)
260.330   Landfill fee, amount — solid waste management fund, created, purpose — ... (8/28/2015)
260.335   Distribution of fund moneys, uses — grants, distribution of moneys — ... (8/28/2015)
260.345   Solid waste advisory board, members — qualifications — duties and powers — ... (8/28/2015)
260.350   Short title. (8/28/1977)
260.352   Department of natural resources shall verify compliance with corrective ... (8/28/2000)
260.355   Exempted wastes. (8/28/2014)
260.360   Definitions. (1/1/2008)
260.365   Hazardous waste management commission created — composition, qualifications ... (8/28/2013)
260.370   Duties and powers of commission — rules and regulations to be adopted, ... (8/28/2010)
260.371   Severability clause, exceptions. (5/3/1988)
260.372   Powers and duties of commission. (8/28/2011)
260.373   Rulemaking authority, limitations on — inconsistent rules null and void, ... (8/28/2022)
260.375   Duties of department — licenses required — permits required. (8/28/2005)
260.377   Inspection by department. (10/31/1980)
260.380   Duties of hazardous waste generators — fees to be collected, disposition — ... (8/28/2023)
260.385   Activities not allowed and requirements to be met by hazardous waste ... (6/27/1985)
260.390   Duties of hazardous waste facility owners and operators — tax to be ... (8/28/2013)
260.391   Hazardous waste fund created — payments — subaccount created, purpose — ... (8/28/2018)
260.392   Definitions — fees for transport of radioactive waste — deposit of moneys, ... (8/28/2023)
260.393   Technology for treatment of hazardous waste, generators to use best ... (8/28/1988)
260.394   Disposal of untreated hazardous waste, prohibited, exceptions — alternative ... (8/28/1992)
260.395   Transportation of hazardous waste, how permitted — fees, how determined — ... (8/28/2015)
260.396   PCB, definition — facilities, regulation of — list of PCB facilities — ... (8/28/1986)
260.400   Procedure for conducting public hearings. (8/28/1993)
260.405   Variances granted, when. (10/31/1980)
260.410   Department to enforce standards, rules and regulations — appeal authorized. (8/28/1977)
260.412   Administrative penalties — not to be assessed for minor violation — ... (8/28/1993)
260.415   Appeals — other remedies available, costs. (10/31/1980)
260.420   Imminent hazard, action to be taken. (8/28/2005)
260.423   Facility ordered to accept waste, reimbursement rate disagreement, procedure. (6/27/1983)
260.424   Underground injection prohibited. (6/27/1985)
260.425   Violations, how punished. (8/28/1993)
260.429   No permit in non-karst area of state over groundwater divide. (8/28/1993)
260.430   Confidential information — illegal disclosure, penalty. (10/31/1980)
260.431   Buffer zone required, commercial facility, how determined — limitations, ... (7/9/1990)
260.432   Hazardous waste, collection of small quantities, department to administer — ... (8/28/1990)
260.433   Commercial hazardous waste facilities, prohibited activities (third or ... (8/28/1987)
260.435   Definitions, sections 260.435 to 260.480 — definition of hazardous waste ... (6/27/1983)
260.437   Rules and regulations, authority. (8/28/2022)
260.440   Registry of abandoned or uncontrolled hazardous waste sites, contents — ... (6/27/1983)
260.445   Abandoned and uncontrolled sites, annual report, content — sent to whom. (6/27/1983)
260.450   Priority of sites, listed in registry, determined by investigation — ... (6/27/1983)
260.455   Registry, proposed site addition, procedure, notice. (6/27/1983)
260.460   Listing or proposed listing of site in registry, procedure to remove. (6/27/1983)
260.465   Change of use or transfer of site property — notice to buyer — appeal — ... (8/28/1988)
260.470   Recording of sites, placed on or removed from registry — removal procedure. (1/1/2008)
260.475   Fees to be paid by hazardous waste generators — exceptions — deposit of ... (8/28/2023)
260.480   Transfer of moneys in the hazardous waste remedial fund to hazardous waste ... (8/28/2005)
260.482   Incineration of certain material by Department of Defense, limitation. (5/16/1995)
260.500   Definitions. (8/28/2015)
260.505   Hazardous substance emergency response plan to be developed by department ... (6/27/1983)
260.510   Hazardous substances, director's powers and duties. (6/27/1983)
260.515   Actions to abate, control or clean up not construed as admission of liability. (6/27/1983)
260.520   Rules and regulations, limitation — procedure. (8/28/2022)
260.525   Investigation, no person to refuse entry — search warrant to be issued. (6/27/1983)
260.530   Cleanup costs, liability — failure to comply, damages, exceptions — records ... (6/27/1983)
260.535   Hazardous waste fund, deposits to — purpose for use. (8/28/2000)
260.540   State employees acting in official capacity, liability. (6/27/1983)
260.545   Providing assistance at request of department, political subdivision or ... (8/28/1990)
260.546   Emergency assistance — cost, how paid — cost statement, contents — payment, ... (8/28/2008)
260.550   Information to be available to public, exceptions. (6/27/1983)

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