☰ Revisor of Missouri


 Chapter 272 Fences and Enclosures 
272.210   Definitions. (8/28/1965)
272.220   Fields enclosed, how. (8/28/1965)
272.235   Adjoining landowners obligated to build fence — when — exceptions. (8/28/1965)
272.240   Partition fences — owner may demand payment, when. (8/28/1965)
272.250   Duty of judge if parties disagree on value — fence viewers to estimate. (8/28/1963)
272.260   Value of fence may be recovered, when. (8/28/1963)
272.270   Fence owners may agree on maintenance — agreement recorded — refusal to ... (8/28/1963)
272.280   Duties of judge if parties disagree on repairs — fence viewers to designate. (8/28/1963)
272.290   Special partition fences — owner may demand payment, when. (8/28/1965)
272.300   Fees of fence viewers, judge and sheriff — taxed as costs. (8/28/1963)
272.310   Owners to repair division fence — remedy for failure. (8/28/1963)
272.320   Division fence not to be removed — exceptions. (8/28/1963)
272.330   Application of law. (8/28/1963)
272.340   Judgment of judge may be reviewed in circuit court. (8/28/1963)
272.350   Petition for review shall state what. (8/28/1963)
272.360   Provisions of law effective after election. (8/28/1963)
272.370   Petition for election — notice — order of adoption. (8/28/1963)

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