☰ Revisor of Missouri


 Chapter 334 Physicians and Surgeons — Therapists — Athletic Trainers — Health Care Providers 
334.800   Title of act — definitions. (8/28/2008)
334.810   Practice of respiratory care, definition — practice, where — practice, ... (8/28/1996)
334.820   License required — practice of medicine not authorized. (8/28/1996)
334.830   Missouri board for respiratory care created, members, appointment — terms — ... (8/28/1996)
334.840   Board chairperson elected, vice chairperson — rules and regulations, ... (8/28/1996)
334.850   Personnel provided through division of professional registration, duties — ... (8/28/2009)
334.860   Promulgation of rules, authority. (8/28/1996)
334.870   Licensing requirements, background checks. (8/28/2001)
334.880   License renewal — inactive status. (8/28/2001)
334.890   Six-month education permit, requirements — supervision required, when — ... (8/28/2001)
334.900   Individuals and activities not limited by respiratory care practice act. (8/28/1999)
334.910   Complaints received by the board, investigation, subpoenas, petitions, ... (8/28/1999)

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