☰ Revisor of Missouri


 Chapter 348 Authorities and Corporations for Economic and Technological Development — Small Businesses 
348.005   Law, how cited. (8/28/1981)
348.010   Purposes. (8/28/1981)
348.015   Definitions. (8/28/2006)
348.020   Authority created — powers to vest in commission — commissioners, number, ... (7/2/1999)
348.025   Commission members, who may serve. (8/28/1981)
348.030   Commissioners' terms. (8/28/1981)
348.035   Bond required for commissioners, executive director and employees, cost. (8/28/1981)
348.040   Removal of commissioners from office, procedure. (8/28/1981)
348.045   Officers, terms. (8/28/1981)
348.050   Meetings, quorum — actions by resolution, requirements. (8/28/1981)
348.055   Expenses of commission, no compensation to be paid. (8/28/1981)
348.060   Employees, appointment, qualifications, compensation — executive director ... (7/2/1999)
348.065   Secretary's duties (8/28/1981)
348.070   Powers of authority. (8/28/1981)
348.075   Rules and regulations, promulgation, procedure. (8/28/1997)
348.080   Duties of authority. (8/28/1981)
348.085   Cooperation with federal and state agencies. (8/28/1981)
348.090   Additional powers of authority. (8/28/1981)
348.095   Termination of authority, rights and property to vest in state — exceptions. (8/28/1981)
348.100   Loans, authority may purchase or participate, requirements. (8/28/1981)
348.110   Bond issues and notes authorized. (8/28/1981)
348.115   Obligations not debt of the state or political subdivision — payable only ... (8/28/1981)
348.120   Note issue and renewal — bond issues and refunding authorized. (8/28/1981)
348.125   Notes and bond issues to be authorized by resolution containing terms. (8/28/1981)
348.130   Pledges of authority to be liens on all authority assets. (8/28/1981)
348.135   Facsimile signatures, validity. (8/28/1981)
348.140   Redemption of notes and bonds — powers — price. (8/28/1981)
348.145   Issuance of refunding obligations — terms, how determined. (8/28/1981)
348.150   Sale or exchange of refunding obligation, proceeds, purposes and ... (8/28/1981)
348.155   Compliance with other state laws regulating bonds, notes, obligations, not ... (8/28/1981)
348.160   Alteration or impairment of terms, rights and remedies by state, prohibited ... (8/28/1981)
348.165   Official person executing bonds and notes, no personal liability. (8/28/1981)
348.170   Bonds and notes of authority deemed negotiable instruments, subject to ... (8/28/1981)
348.175   Investment powers and limitations of authority. (8/28/1981)
348.180   Annual report — audit. (8/28/1981)
348.181   Records of Missouri agricultural and small business development authority ... (8/28/1998)
348.185   Statement of purpose. (8/28/1994)
348.190   Loan guarantee program — rules, regulations, promulgation, procedure. (8/28/1995)
348.195   Certificate of guaranty may be issued, conditions — eligible lender, ... (8/28/2003)
348.200   Single-purpose animal facilities loan guarantee fund established — ... (8/28/1997)
348.205   Money not needed may be invested. (8/28/1994)
348.210   Eligibility for guarantees for loans — rules — terms, conditions. (8/28/2003)
348.215   Policy of collection and recovery. (8/28/1994)
348.220   Animal waste facilities loan program guarantees — priorities, limitations. (8/28/1994)
348.225   Single-purpose animal facilities loan program fund created — purpose. (8/28/1994)
348.230   Linked deposit loans for dairy cows, first year of interest to be paid by ... (8/28/2008)
348.235   Dairy business planning grants authorized — application procedure, fee — ... (8/28/2008)
348.250   Citation. (2/3/2012)
348.251   Missouri technology corporation, established — definitions — public ... (2/3/2012)
348.251   Definitions — Missouri technology corporation may be established — ... (8/28/1994)
348.253   Contracts with not-for-profit organizations, objectives. (8/28/1995)
348.256   Articles of incorporation, bylaws, methods of operation, content — members, ... (2/3/2012)
348.256   Articles of incorporation, bylaws, content — members, qualifications. (8/28/1995)
348.257   Executive committee established, members, duties — audit committee, duties ... (2/3/2012)
348.261   Powers — leveraging of nonstate resources — moneys, authority over — notice ... (2/3/2012)
348.261   Powers. (8/28/1995)
348.262   Department may contract with corporations. (2/3/2012)
348.262   Department may contract with corporations. (8/28/1994)
348.263   Open meetings and sunshine law applicability — records, requirements. (2/3/2012)
348.263   Replaces corporation for business modernization and technology with ... (8/28/1994)
348.264   Science and innovation reinvestment fund established — source of funds — ... (2/3/2012)
348.264   Technology investment fund established — source of funds — purpose. (8/28/1995)
348.265   Base year gross wages calculation — transfer of funds, amount — expenditure ... (2/3/2012)
348.266   Debts incurred not debt of the state — subject to not-for-profit ... (8/28/1995)
348.269   No limitation on enumerated powers — prior authorization of general ... (2/3/2012)
348.271   Innovation centers to be established to develop new science and ... (2/3/2012)
348.271   Innovation centers to be established to develop new technology-based ... (8/28/1995)
348.272   Centers for advanced technology may be established in university-affiliated ... (8/28/1993)
348.275   Rulemaking authority, procedure. (8/28/1995)
348.280   Contingent effective date. (2/3/2012)
348.300   Definitions. (2/3/2012)
348.300   Definitions. (11/28/2007)
348.302   Tax credit, evidenced by certificate — may be used when — limitations on ... (1/1/1999)
348.304   Certificates, how issued, limitations, exchanges. (6/18/1991)
348.306   Transfer of certificates, procedure, limitations. (5/30/1986)
348.308   Duties of director of economic development — issuance of certificates. (5/30/1986)
348.310   Acceptance of certificate in lieu of payment, reissuance of certificate for ... (5/30/1986)
348.312   Construction of provisions. (5/30/1986)
348.316   Report required from qualified funds, when, form, verified by affidavit, ... (5/30/1986)
348.318   Interest and penalty provisions, how determined — procedural matters, how ... (5/30/1986)
348.400   Definitions. (8/28/2011)
348.403   Authority to develop program — rules — reject application, when. (8/28/1997)
348.406   Certificates of guaranty — fee — limitations. (8/28/2004)
348.407   Development and implementation of grants and loans — fee authority's powers ... (8/28/2016)
348.408   Agricultural product utilization grant fund established — limitation on grants. (7/2/1999)
348.409   Agricultural product utilization and business loan guarantee fund established. (8/28/1997)
348.410   Agricultural product utilization business development loan program fund ... (7/2/1999)
348.412   Use of loan proceeds — eligibility — rules. (8/28/2011)
348.414   Executive director's powers, compensation — funds and services not to be ... (7/2/1999)
348.415   Collections. (8/28/1997)
348.426   Rules, effective, when — rules invalid and void, when. (8/28/1997)
348.430   Agricultural product utilization contributor tax credit — definitions — ... (8/28/2016)
348.432   New generation cooperative incentive tax credit — definitions — ... (8/28/2016)
348.434   Limitations on credits issued. (7/2/1999)
348.436   Expiration date. (1/2/2023)
348.438   Departments to provide assistance. (7/2/1999)
348.439   Oversight and report on credits. (8/28/2015)
348.491   Citation of law — definitions — program established, eligibility, ... (1/2/2023)
348.493   Program lenders — tax credit, amount — certificate of tax credit, issuance ... (1/2/2023)
348.500   Family farms act — definitions — loan program for livestock, qualifications ... (1/2/2023)
348.505   Tax credit for family farm livestock loan program, procedure. (8/28/2008)

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