☰ Revisor of Missouri


 Chapter 376 Life, Health and Accident Insurance 
376.850   Law, how cited. (8/28/1989)
376.854   Definitions. (4/26/1996)
376.859   Medicare supplement law applicable to what policies — policies not included. (4/26/1996)
376.864   Policies not to duplicate benefits provided by Medicare — preexisting ... (4/26/1996)
376.869   Standards for policies, minimum, director to adopt. (4/26/1996)
376.874   Requirements of policy, return to policyholders. (7/6/1992)
376.879   Outline of coverage for fair disclosure — furnished to each applicant — ... (4/26/1996)
376.881   Policy certificate front page to contain notice of right to return and ... (7/6/1992)
376.882   Cancellation of policy, refund required — notification. (8/28/2010)
376.884   Advertisement to be reviewed by director. (7/6/1992)
376.886   Regulations, requirements — rules, procedure. (4/26/1996)
376.889   Violations, penalty. (8/28/2007)
376.890   Invalidity of any section regulating Medicare supplement not to affect others. (8/28/1989)

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28 Sep 2024 08:45

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