☰ Revisor of Missouri


 Chapter 444 Rights and Duties of Miners and Mine Owners 
444.805   Definitions. (8/28/2014)
444.810   Powers of commission — abandoned mine reclamation fund created, purpose. (8/28/1995)
444.815   Permits required, kind, when to be obtained — term — effect of lack of ... (8/28/1988)
444.820   Permit fees — contents of application — confidential items — copy to be ... (5/9/1980)
444.825   Reclamation plan contents — confidential items. (8/28/1979)
444.830   Phase I reclamation bond to be filed, when — adjustment of amount of bond ... (8/28/1993)
444.835   Permit to be granted or application to be modified or denied — notification ... (8/28/1979)
444.840   Revision of permit, procedure — transfer or assignment to have prior ... (8/28/1979)
444.845   Coal exploration permit required — contents of application — bond required ... (8/28/1979)
444.850   Publication of intent — notification to local governments — comments and ... (8/28/1979)
444.855   Performance standards to be met in surface mining operations — explosives — ... (8/28/1979)
444.860   Performance standards to be met in underground mining operations — rules ... (8/28/1979)
444.865   Records and reports required — entry and inspection authorized — ownership ... (8/28/1979)
444.870   Penalties, administrative and criminal, procedure. (8/28/1993)
444.875   Release of all or part of performance bond, procedure — objections may be filed. (8/28/1993)
444.880   Actions to compel compliance, limitation — costs of litigation — actions ... (8/28/1979)
444.885   Cessation orders — suspension or revocation of permits — injunctive relief. (8/28/1979)
444.890   Commission to designate areas unsuitable for surface mining — review ... (8/28/1979)
444.895   Review of cessation orders and permit suspensions and revocations — ... (8/28/1979)
444.900   Judicial review. (8/28/1979)
444.905   Severability — rights retained — replacement of water — explosives regulations. (8/28/1979)
444.915   Abandoned mine reclamation fund — deposits and expenditures. (8/28/1993)
444.920   Abandoned mine reclamation fund, commission's duties and powers. (8/28/1979)
444.925   Entry upon property by commission staff, procedure — acquisition of land by ... (8/28/1979)
444.930   Liens for corrective measures — amount, filing, valuation — appeals, ... (8/28/1979)
444.935   Public health hazards — actions to abate, procedure. (8/28/1979)
444.940   Report on fund required — administration of fund, rules and regulations — ... (8/28/1979)
444.950   Phase I reclamation bond requirements — rules, procedure to adopt — rights ... (8/28/1995)
444.955   Revegetation of mined land, responsibility transfer, approval required. (4/7/1982)
444.960   Fund, coal mine land reclamation, established, purpose, duties. (8/28/1993)
444.965   Assessment for fund, amount paid, when — additional assessment, determined ... (8/28/1993)
444.970   Penalty — delinquency or failure to comply with assessment or reclamation plan. (4/7/1982)

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