☰ Revisor of Missouri


 Chapter 49 County Commissions and County Buildings 
49.520   Acquisition, erection or expansion of county buildings authorized, when. (8/28/1975)
49.525   Issuance of bonds — ordinance required, contents. (8/28/1975)
49.530   Interest rate and maturity of bonds. (8/28/1975)
49.535   Bonds negotiable and tax free — method of sale — payable from revenue only. (8/28/1975)
49.540   Obligation of county for rent or charges, limits — right to use building. (8/28/1961)
49.545   Application of proceeds of bonds. (8/28/1961)
49.550   Lien on buildings and land — rights of bondholders. (8/28/1961)
49.555   Receiver on default in payment of bonds. (8/28/1961)
49.560   Revenues placed in special fund — use — rentals, rates and charges. (8/28/1975)
49.565   Surplus in fund, disposition of. (8/28/1975)
49.570   Additional bonds — refunding bonds. (8/28/1975)
49.575   Administration of buildings and income, obligation of bonds. (8/28/1975)
49.580   This method of acquisition additional, not exclusive. (8/28/1975)

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