☰ Revisor of Missouri


 Chapter 517 Procedure Before Certain Associate Circuit Judges 
517.011   Applicability of chapter. (8/28/1993)
517.021   Rules of civil procedure to apply. (8/28/1988)
517.031   Petition required, form — affirmative defenses, counterclaims, ... (8/28/1988)
517.041   Summons, how served. (8/28/2009)
517.051   When case to be tried. (1/1/1987)
517.061   Change of venue and change of judge, when — how filed. (8/28/1988)
517.071   Continuation of case, when — rescheduling. (8/28/1988)
517.081   Case certified to presiding judge of circuit, when. (8/28/1988)
517.091   Trial by jury, when waived — jury trial, how granted — composition of jury. (8/28/1985)
517.101   Dismissal of claim or portion of claim, when. (8/28/1988)
517.111   Dismissal of case or judgment by default or consent, how entered. (1/1/1987)
517.121   Judgment by consent, when entered. (1/1/1987)
517.131   Default judgment, when entered. (8/28/1988)
517.132   Written instrument which is basis of claim, counterclaim or cross-claim ... (8/28/1988)
517.141   Transcript of judgment, treatment of — duty of clerk. (8/28/1988)
517.151   Judgment to be lien on real estate from time of filing transcript — fees ... (7/1/1997)

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