☰ Revisor of Missouri


 Chapter 86 Police Relief and Pension Systems 
86.200   Definitions. (8/28/2015)
86.203   Establishment of system — name — effective date. (7/1/2000)
86.207   Members of system — transfer of creditable service permitted, when — ... (8/28/2017)
86.210   Service creditable. (7/1/2000)
86.213   Board of trustees to administer — members of board, selection — terms. (8/28/2015)
86.217   Vacancy on board, how filled — trustees to receive expenses. (7/1/2000)
86.220   Oath of trustees. (7/1/2000)
86.223   Quorum, number of trustees constituting — majority vote required, when. (8/28/2004)
86.227   Jurisdiction of board — decisions subject to judicial review. (7/1/2000)
86.230   Officers, selection — actuaries and employees, appointment, compensation. (8/28/1957)
86.233   Records of board — annual report. (8/28/2001)
86.237   Legal adviser — medical board — duties. (8/28/2015)
86.240   Actuary, duties. (7/1/2000)
86.243   Regular actuarial surveys — adoption of mortality tables — certification of ... (7/1/2000)
86.247   Annual valuation of assets and liabilities. (7/1/2000)
86.248   Assets of fund retained for benefit of members. (7/1/2000)
86.250   Members may retire when — application to board to be made when — compulsory ... (8/28/2015)
86.251   Deferred retirement option plan — election — deposit of retirement ... (8/28/2015)
86.252   Distribution of interest of member, when — distribution periods before ... (8/28/2011)
86.253   Service retirement allowance, how calculated — military service credit — ... (8/28/2023)
86.254   Special advisors, qualifications, duties, compensation — effective, when — ... (8/28/2023)
86.255   Eligible rollover distribution payable, election to pay directly to plan — ... (8/28/2011)
86.256   Annual benefit not to exceed certain amount — annual additions not to ... (8/28/2011)
86.257   Disability retirement allowance granted, when — periodic medical ... (8/28/2015)
86.260   Disability allowance, how calculated — members as special consultants, when ... (8/28/2009)
86.263   Service-connected accidental disability retirement for active service ... (8/28/2015)
86.267   Service-connected disability retirement allowance calculated, how — ... (8/28/2001)
86.270   Investigation and examination of applicants for disability benefits. (8/28/2015)
86.277   Disability allowance ceases on return to service — status as member. (7/1/2000)
86.280   Death benefit — dependents' allowances. (8/28/2023)
86.283   Death benefits of retired member — dependents' allowances — cost-of-living ... (8/28/2023)
86.287   Accidental death benefit — dependents' allowances. (8/28/2023)
86.288   Contributions paid to surviving spouses, when. (8/28/2001)
86.290   Accumulated contributions refunded, when. (8/28/2001)
86.292   Accumulated contributions to remain system assets, when. (8/28/2001)
86.293   Disposition of difference between benefits paid and accumulated contributions. (7/1/2000)
86.294   Contributions to be accepted after January 1, 2002, limitations. (8/28/2011)
86.295   Death while performing qualified military service, benefit distribution, to ... (8/28/2011)
86.296   Trustee to trustee transfers to be accepted after January 1, 2002. (7/11/2002)
86.297   Workers' compensation or other benefits offset against allowances. (7/1/2000)
86.300   Trustees to manage funds. (8/28/2001)
86.303   Interest on members' accounts. (7/1/2000)
86.307   Treasurer, custodian of assets — payments from, made how. (7/1/2000)
86.310   Ten percent may be kept in cash — maximum per depository. (7/1/2000)
86.313   Trustees and employees not to have direct interest in investments. (7/1/2000)
86.320   Contributions, rate of — deduction from compensation. (8/28/2015)
86.330   Normal rate of contribution, how determined. (7/1/2000)
86.333   Accrued liability contribution rate defined — calculated, when. (8/28/1957)
86.337   Amount payable to general reserve fund — city's contribution. (7/1/2000)
86.340   Accrued liability contribution discontinued, when. (8/28/2001)
86.343   Annual expenses — city, board each provide one-half — board, duties. (7/1/2000)
86.344   Certification of amounts due and payable, when, to whom — city, to ... (7/1/2000)
86.350   City obligated to pay cost of benefits and one-half of expenses. (7/1/2000)
86.353   Benefits exempt from taxes and execution — not assignable, exception, child ... (8/28/2001)
86.354   Benefit vested and nonforfeitable, when — forfeitures, use of. (8/28/2011)
86.357   Fraud in obtaining benefits, a misdemeanor — adjustment of errors. (7/1/2000)
86.359   Retroactive payments to be lump sum with interest, rate. (8/28/2006)
86.360   Consolidation of retirement system created by sections 86.010 to 86.193 ... (8/28/2001)
86.363   Board of trustees created by sections 86.013 and 86.023 dissolved and ... (8/28/1957)
86.364   Certain sections to terminate, when. (7/1/2000)

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