☰ Revisor of Missouri


 Chapter 89 Zoning and Planning 
89.010   Applicability of law — conflict with zoning provisions of another political ... (8/28/2007)
89.020   Powers of municipal legislative body — group homes, classification, ... (8/28/2019)
89.030   Zoning districts. (8/28/1939)
89.040   Purpose of regulations. (8/28/1959)
89.050   Powers and limitations of legislative body in city — hearings, notice. (8/28/1939)
89.060   Change in regulations, restrictions and boundaries — procedure. (8/28/1988)
89.070   Zoning commission — appointment — duties. (8/28/1939)
89.080   Board of adjustment — appointment — term — vacancies — organization. (8/28/2008)
89.090   Board of adjustment — powers, exception for Kansas City. (8/28/2008)
89.100   Board of adjustment — appeals, procedure. (8/28/1997)
89.110   Board of adjustment — decisions subject to review — procedure. (8/28/1997)
89.120   Violations — penalties. (8/28/2008)
89.130   Provisions of this law to govern, when. (8/28/1939)
89.140   Previous ordinances to remain in force. (8/28/1949)
89.143   Zoning law to allow certain facilities. (8/28/1990)
89.144   Peripheral zoning (third class cities over 25,000 inhabitants). (8/28/1971)
89.145   Peripheral zoning by certain cities — approval by county commission, ... (7/9/1992)
89.191   Municipalities in first class charter counties annexing territory with a ... (8/28/1991)
89.210   Street defined. (8/28/1939)
89.220   Establishment of building lines. (8/28/1939)
89.230   Structures shall be required to conform to new line, when. (8/28/1939)
89.240   Assessment and payment of damages. (8/28/1939)
89.250   Law does not abridge or limit power of eminent domain. (8/28/1939)

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28 Sep 2024 16:21

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