☰ Revisor of Missouri


Chapter 448

< > Effective - 28 Aug 1983    bottom

  115.363.  Party nominating committee to select candidate, when. — 1.  No special declarant rights created or reserved under sections 448.1-101 to 448.4-120 may be transferred except by an instrument evidencing the transfer recorded in every county in which any portion of the condominium is located.  The instrument is not effective unless executed by the transferee.

  2.  Upon transfer of any special declarant right, the liability of a transferor declarant is as follows:

  (1)  A transferor is not relieved of any obligation or liability arising before the transfer and remains liable for warranty obligations imposed upon him by sections 448.1-101 to 448.4-120.  Lack of privity does not deprive any unit owner of standing to bring an action to enforce any obligation of the transferor;

  (2)  If the successor to any special declarant right is an affiliate of a declarant, the transferor is jointly and severally liable with the successor for any obligation or liability of the successor which relates to the condominium;

  (3)  If a transferor retains any special declarant right, but transfers other special declarant rights to a successor who is not an affiliate of the declarant, the transferor is also liable for any obligations and liabilities relating to the retained special declarant rights, imposed on a declarant by sections 448.1-101 to 448.4-120 or by the declaration arising after the transfer;

  (4)  A transferor has no liability for any act or omission or any breach of a contractual or warranty obligation arising from the exercise of a special declarant right by a successor declarant who is not an affiliate of the transferor.

  3.  Unless otherwise provided in a mortgage instrument or deed of trust, in case of foreclosure of a mortgage, tax sale, judicial sale, sale by a trustee under a deed of trust, or sale under the federal Bankruptcy Code or receivership proceedings, of any units owned by a declarant, or real estate in a condominium subject to development rights, a person acquiring title to all the real estate being foreclosed or sold, but only upon his request, succeeds to all special declarant rights related to that real estate which are held by that declarant, or only to any rights reserved in the declaration pursuant to section 448.2-115 and held by that declarant to maintain models, sales offices, and signs.  The judgment or instrument conveying title shall provide for transfer of only the special declarant rights requested.

  4.  Upon foreclosure, tax sale, judicial sale, sale by a trustee under a deed of trust, or sale under the federal Bankruptcy Code or receivership proceedings, of all units and other real estate in a condominium owned by a declarant:

  (1)  The declarant ceases to have any special declarant rights; and

  (2)  The period of declarant control terminates unless the judgment or instrument conveying title provides for transfer of all special declarant rights held by that declarant to a successor declarant.

  5.  The liabilities and obligations of persons who succeed to special declarant rights are as follows:

  (1)  A successor to any special declarant right who is an affiliate of a declarant is subject to all obligations and liabilities imposed on the transferor by sections 448.1-101 to 448.4-120 or by the declaration;

  (2)  A successor to any special declarant right, other than a successor described in subdivision (3) or (4) of this subsection, who is not an affiliate of a declarant, is subject to all obligations and liabilities imposed by sections 448.1-101 to 448.4-120 or the declaration:

  (a)  On a declarant which relate to his exercise or nonexercise of special declarant rights; or

  (b)  On his transferor, other than:

  a.  Misrepresentations by any prior declarant;

  b.  Warranty obligations on improvements made by any previous declarant, or made before the condominium was created;

  c.  Breach of any fiduciary obligation by any previous declarant or his appointees to the executive board; or

  d.  Any liability or obligation imposed on the transferor as a result of the transferor's acts or omissions after the transfer;

  (3)  A successor to only a right reserved in the declaration to maintain models, sales offices, and signs, if he is not an affiliate of a declarant, may not exercise any other special declarant right, and is not subject to any liability or obligation as a declarant, except the obligation to provide an original sale certificate, and any liability arising as a result thereof;

  (4)  A successor to all special declarant rights held by his transferor who is not an affiliate of that declarant and who succeeded to those rights pursuant to a deed in lieu of foreclosure or a judgment or instrument conveying title to units under subsection 3, may declare his intention in a recorded instrument to hold those rights solely for transfer to another person.  Thereafter, until transferring all special declarant rights to any person acquiring title to any unit owned by the successor, or until recording an instrument permitting exercise of all those rights, that successor may not exercise any of those rights other than any right held by his transferor to control the executive board in accordance with the provisions of subsection 4 of section 448.3-103 for the duration of any period of declarant control, and any attempted exercise of those rights is void.  So long as a successor declarant may not exercise special declarant rights under this subsection, he is not subject to any liability or obligation as a declarant other than liability for his acts and omissions under subsection 4 of section 448.3-103.

  6.  Nothing in this section subjects any successor to a special declarant right to any claims against or other obligations of a transferor declarant, other than claims and obligations arising under sections 448.1-101 to 448.4-120 or the declaration.


(L. 1983 H.B. 177)

---- end of effective  28 Aug 1983 ----

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