☰ Revisor of Missouri


Chapter 148

< > Effective - 28 Aug 1996    bottom

  210.102.  Coordinating board for early childhood established, members, powers — fund created. — 1.  Every such company or association shall, on or before the first day of March in each year, make a return, verified by the affidavit of its president and secretary or other authorized officers, to the director of the department of commerce and insurance stating the amount of all premiums received on account of policies issued in this state by such company, whether in cash or in notes, during the year ending on the thirty-first day of December, next preceding.  Upon receipt of such returns, the director of the department of commerce and insurance shall verify the same and certify the amount of tax due from the various companies on the basis and at the rate provided in section 148.340, and shall certify the same to the director of revenue together with the amount of the quarterly installments to be made as provided in subsection 2 of this section, on or before the thirtieth day of April of each year.

  2.  Beginning January 1, 1983, the amount of the tax due for that calendar year and each succeeding calendar year thereafter shall be paid in four approximately equal estimated quarterly installments and a fifth reconciling installment.  The first four installments shall be based upon the tax assessed for the immediately preceding taxable year ending on the thirty-first day of December, next preceding.  The quarterly installment shall be made on the first day of March, the first day of June, the first day of September, and the first day of December.  Immediately after receiving from the director of the department of commerce and insurance, certification of the amount of tax due from the various companies, the director of revenue shall notify and assess each company the amount of taxes on its premiums for the calendar year ending on the thirty-first day of December, next preceding.  The director of revenue shall also notify and assess each company the amount of the estimated quarterly installments to be made for the calendar year.  If the amount of the actual tax due for any year exceeds the total of the installments made for such year, the balance of the tax due shall be paid on the first day of June of the following year, together with the regular quarterly installment due at that time.  If the total amount of the tax actually due is less than the total amount of the installments actually paid, the amount by which the amount paid exceeds the amount due shall be credited against the tax for the following year and deducted from the quarterly installment otherwise due on the first day of June.  If the March first quarterly installment made by a company is less than the amount assessed by the director of revenue, the difference will be due on June first, but no interest will accrue to the state on the difference unless the amount paid by the company is less than eighty percent of one-fourth of the total amount of tax assessed by the director of revenue for the immediately preceding taxable year.  If the estimated quarterly tax installments are not so paid, the director of revenue shall certify such fact to the director of the department of commerce and insurance who shall thereafter suspend such delinquent company or companies from the further transaction of business in this state until such taxes shall be paid, and such companies shall be subject to the provisions of sections 148.410 to 148.461.

  3.  Upon receiving such money from the director of revenue, the state treasurer shall receipt one-half thereof into the general revenue fund of the state, and he shall place the remainder of such tax to the credit of a fund to be known as "The County Foreign Insurance Tax Fund", which is hereby created and established.  All premium tax credits described in sections 135.500 to 135.529 shall only reduce the amount of moneys received by the general revenue fund of this state and shall not reduce any moneys received by the county foreign insurance tax fund.


(RSMo 1939 § 6095, A.L. 1945 p. 1024, A.L. 1982 S.B. 470, A.L. 1996 H.B. 1237)

Prior revisions: 1929 § 5980; 1919 § 6388; 1909 § 7100

---- end of effective  28 Aug 1996 ----

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