☰ Revisor of Missouri


Chapter 115

< > Effective - 07 Nov 2018, 3 histories, see footnote    bottom

  338.095.  Prescription, drug order, defined — telephone prescription, defined — prescription and medical information may be provided, when. — 1.  There is hereby established an absentee voting process to assist persons with permanent disabilities in the exercise of their voting rights.

  2.  The local election authority shall send an application to participate in the absentee voting process set out in this section to any registered voter residing within the election authority's jurisdiction upon request.

  3.  Upon receipt of a properly completed application, the election authority shall enter the voter's name on a list of voters qualified to participate as absentee voters pursuant to this section.

  4.  The application to participate in the absentee voting process shall be in substantially the following form:


State of _________ 
County (City) of _________ 
I, _________ (print applicant's name), declare that I am a resident and registered voter of _________ County, Missouri, and am permanently disabled. I hereby request that my name be placed on the election authority's list of voters qualified to participate as absentee voters pursuant to section 115.284, and that I be delivered an absentee ballot application for each election in which I am eligible to vote.
Signature of Voter
Voter's Address


  5.  Not earlier than ten weeks before an election but prior to the fourth Tuesday prior to an election, the election authority shall deliver to each voter qualified to participate as absentee voters pursuant to this section an absentee ballot application if the voter is eligible to vote in that election.  If the voter returns the absentee request application to the election authority not later than 5:00 p.m. on the second Wednesday before an election and has retained the necessary qualifications to vote, the election authority shall provide the voter with an absentee ballot pursuant to this chapter.

  6.  The election authority shall remove from the list of voters qualified to participate as absentee voters pursuant to this section any voter who:

  (1)  Asks to be removed from the list;

  (2)  Dies;

  (3)  Becomes disqualified from voting pursuant to this chapter; or

  (4)  No longer resides at the address of his or her voter registration.


(L. 1996 H.B. 1557 & 1489 § 2, A.L. 1997 S.B. 132, A.L. 2002 S.B. 675, A.L. 2003 H.B. 511, A.L. 2018 S.B. 592)

Effective 11-07-18

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