135.530. Distressed community defined. — For the purposes of sections 100.010, 100.710, 100.850, 135.110, 135.200, 135.258, 135.313, 135.403, 135.405, 135.503, 135.530, 135.545, 215.030, 348.300, 348.302, and 620.1400 to 620.1460*, "distressed community" means either a Missouri municipality within a metropolitan statistical area which has a median household income of under seventy percent of the median household income for the metropolitan statistical area, according to the United States Census Bureau's American Community Survey, based on the most recent of five-year period estimate data in which the final year of the estimate ends in either zero or five, or a United States census block group or contiguous group of block groups within a metropolitan statistical area which has a population of at least two thousand five hundred, and each block group having a median household income of under seventy percent of the median household income for the metropolitan area in Missouri, according to the United States Census Bureau's American Community Survey, based on the most recent of five-year period estimate data in which the final year of the estimate ends in either zero or five. In addition the definition shall include municipalities not in a metropolitan statistical area, with a median household income of under seventy percent of the median household income for the nonmetropolitan areas in Missouri according to the United States Census Bureau's American Community Survey, based on the most recent of five-year period estimate data in which the final year of the estimate ends in either zero or five or a census block group or contiguous group of block groups which has a population of at least two thousand five hundred with each block group having a median household income of under seventy percent of the median household income for the nonmetropolitan areas of Missouri, according to the United States Census Bureau's American Community Survey, based on the most recent of five-year period estimate data in which the final year of the estimate ends in either zero or five. In metropolitan statistical areas, the definition shall include areas that were designated as either a federal empowerment zone; or a federal enhanced enterprise community; or a state enterprise zone that was originally designated before January 1, 1986, but shall not include expansions of such state enterprise zones done after March 16, 1988.
(L. 1998 H.B. 1656, A.L. 1999 S.B. 20, A.L. 2004 S.B. 1155, A.L. 2010 H.B. 1965)
Effective 4-01-11, see § 135.204
*Sections 620.1400 to 620.1460 were repealed by S.B. 1155, 2004.
---- end of effective 01 Apr 2011 ----
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135.530 | 4/1/2011 | |||
135.530 | 8/28/2004 | 4/1/2011 |
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