135.800. Citation — definitions. — 1. The provisions of sections 135.800 to 135.830 shall be known and may be cited as the "Tax Credit Accountability Act of 2004".
2. As used in sections 135.800 to 135.830, the following terms mean:
(1) "Administering agency", the state agency or department charged with administering a particular tax credit program, as set forth by the program's enacting statute; where no department or agency is set forth, the department of revenue;
(2) "Agricultural tax credits", the agricultural product utilization contributor tax credit created pursuant to section 348.430, the new generation cooperative incentive tax credit created pursuant to section 348.432, the family farm breeding livestock loan tax credit created under section 348.505, the qualified beef tax credit created under section 135.679, and the wine and grape production tax credit created pursuant to section 135.700;
(3) "Business recruitment tax credits", the business facility tax credit created pursuant to sections 135.110 to 135.150 and section 135.258, the enterprise zone tax benefits created pursuant to sections 135.200 to 135.270, the business use incentives for large-scale development programs created pursuant to sections 100.700 to 100.850, the development tax credits created pursuant to sections 32.100 to 32.125, the rebuilding communities tax credit created pursuant to section 135.535, the film production* tax credit created pursuant to section 135.750, the enhanced enterprise zone created pursuant to sections 135.950 to 135.970, and the Missouri quality jobs program created pursuant to sections 620.1875 to 620.1900;
(4) "Community development tax credits", the neighborhood assistance tax credit created pursuant to sections 32.100 to 32.125, the family development account tax credit created pursuant to sections 208.750 to 208.775, the dry fire hydrant tax credit created pursuant to section 320.093, and the transportation development tax credit created pursuant to section 135.545;
(5) "Domestic and social tax credits", the youth opportunities tax credit created pursuant to section 135.460 and sections 620.1100 to 620.1103, the shelter for victims of domestic violence created pursuant to section 135.550, the senior citizen or disabled person property tax credit created pursuant to sections 135.010 to 135.035, the adoption tax credit created pursuant to sections 135.325 to 135.339, the champion for children tax credit created pursuant to section 135.341, the maternity home tax credit created pursuant to section 135.600, the surviving spouse tax credit created pursuant to section 135.090, the residential treatment agency tax credit created pursuant to section 135.1150, the pregnancy resource center tax credit created pursuant to section 135.630, the food pantry tax credit created pursuant to section 135.647, the residential dwelling access tax credit created pursuant to section 135.562, the developmental disability care provider tax credit created under section 135.1180, the shared care tax credit created pursuant to section 192.2015, the health, hunger, and hygiene tax credit created pursuant to section 135.1125, and the diaper bank tax credit created pursuant to section 135.621;
(6) "Entrepreneurial tax credits", the capital tax credit created pursuant to sections 135.400 to 135.429, the certified capital company tax credit created pursuant to sections 135.500 to 135.529, the seed capital tax credit created pursuant to sections 348.300 to 348.318, the new enterprise creation tax credit created pursuant to sections 620.635 to 620.653, the research tax credit created pursuant to section 620.1039, the small business incubator tax credit created pursuant to section 620.495, the guarantee fee tax credit created pursuant to section 135.766, and the new generation cooperative tax credit created pursuant to sections 32.105 to 32.125;
(7) "Environmental tax credits", the charcoal producer tax credit created pursuant to section 135.313, the wood energy tax credit created pursuant to sections 135.300 to 135.311, and the alternative fuel stations tax credit created pursuant to section 135.710;
(8) "Financial and insurance tax credits", the bank franchise tax credit created pursuant to section 148.030, the bank tax credit for S corporations created pursuant to section 143.471, the exam fee tax credit created pursuant to section 148.400, the health insurance pool tax credit created pursuant to section 376.975, the life and health insurance guaranty tax credit created pursuant to section 376.745, the property and casualty guaranty tax credit created pursuant to section 375.774, and the self-employed health insurance tax credit created pursuant to section 143.119;
(9) "Housing tax credits", the neighborhood preservation tax credit created pursuant to sections 135.475 to 135.487, the low-income housing tax credit created pursuant to sections 135.350 to 135.363, and the affordable housing tax credit created pursuant to sections 32.105 to 32.125;
(10) "Recipient", the individual or entity who both:
(a) Is the original applicant for a tax credit; and
(b) Who directly receives a tax credit or the right to transfer a tax credit under a tax credit program, regardless as to whether the tax credit has been used or redeemed; a recipient shall not include the transferee of a transferable tax credit;
(11) "Redevelopment tax credits", the historic preservation tax credit created pursuant to sections 253.545 to 253.559, the brownfield redevelopment program tax credit created pursuant to sections 447.700 to 447.718, the community development corporations tax credit created pursuant to sections 135.400 to 135.430, the infrastructure tax credit created pursuant to subsection 6 of section 100.286, the bond guarantee tax credit created pursuant to section 100.297, the disabled access tax credit created pursuant to section 135.490, the new markets tax credit created pursuant to section 135.680, and the distressed areas land assemblage tax credit created pursuant to section 99.1205;
(12) "Tax credit program", any of the tax credit programs included in the definitions of agricultural tax credits, business recruitment tax credits, community development tax credits, domestic and social tax credits, entrepreneurial tax credits, environmental tax credits, housing tax credits, redevelopment tax credits, and training and educational tax credits;
(13) "Training and educational tax credits", the Missouri works** new jobs tax credit and Missouri works** retained jobs credit created pursuant to sections 620.800 to 620.809.
(L. 2004 S.B. 1099, A.L. 2008 H.B. 2058 merged with S.B. 931, A.L. 2009 H.B. 191, A.L. 2013 H.B. 196 merged with S.B. 20, 15 & 19, A.L. 2018 H.B. 1288, et al., A.L. 2021 H.B. 429 merged with H.B.430, A.L. 2022 H.B. 2400)
*The film production tax credit was changed to the qualified motion media production project tax credit in section 135.750 by S.B. 94, et al., 2023.
**The Missouri works new jobs tax credit was changed to the Missouri one start new jobs tax credit, and the Missouri works retained jobs credit was changed to the Missouri one start retained jobs credit, in section 620.809 in S.B. 68, 2019.
---- end of effective 28 Aug 2022 ----
- All versions | ||||
Effective | End | |||
135.800 | 8/28/2022 | |||
135.800 | 8/28/2021 | 8/28/2022 | ||
135.800 | 8/28/2018 | 8/28/2021 | ||
135.800 | 3/29/2013 | 8/28/2018 | ||
135.800 | 8/28/2009 | 3/29/2013 | ||
135.800 | 8/28/2008 | 8/28/2009 | ||
135.800 | 8/28/2004 | 8/28/2008 |
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