162.666. St. Louis students' bill of rights. — 1. The provisions of this section shall be known and may be cited as the "St. Louis Students' Bill of Rights".
2. For the purposes of this section, "district" means a metropolitan school district, as defined in section 160.011.
3. Each district shall reinstitute the basic kindergarten through eighth grade* system of grade schools within the district.
4. Every child within the district of the appropriate age and appropriate aptitude for discipline and openness to instruction shall have the right to attend a basic kindergarten through eighth grade school.
5. Every child within the district shall have the right to attend such school closest to such child's home.
6. Every child within the district shall have the right to transfer to any other such school within the district.
7. The district shall have the right to transport children to relieve overcrowding. Transportation to relieve overcrowding shall be performed in such a manner as to fill in school seats in buildings that have surplus seats, but shall not be permitted to displace any child who has elected to attend the school located closest to such child's home.
8. The per pupil expenditure of funds for the cost of education shall be equalized to the greatest extent possible, with appropriate variation allowable in order to accommodate the special remedial needs of children who test below grade level and the needs of gifted children.
9. Schools for gifted children with accelerated academic programs shall be established and evenly distributed across the district. The district shall have the right to transport children to and from schools for the gifted. Children who attend schools for the gifted shall have the right to attend such school which is located closest to such child's home and shall have the right to transfer to or attend any other school for the gifted within the district.
10. The provisions of the St. Louis students' bill of rights shall only become effective upon approval by a majority of the voters of the city of St. Louis voting thereon. The governing board of the transitional district established pursuant to section 162.1100 may conduct a legal analysis of the program enumerated in this section, shall publish any such analysis and make the analysis available to the public and shall propose, to the extent that the program is consistent with the Missouri and United States Constitutions, place before the voters of the city of St. Louis no later than March 15, 1999, a proposal to implement the program. If approved by a majority of such voters, the program shall be implemented consistent with the Missouri and United States Constitutions.
11. The proposal shall be submitted substantially as follows:
Shall the St. Louis School District reinstitute the basic kindergarten through eighth grade neighborhood school system within the district and be required to permit students to attend the school closest to their home? | |
☐ YES | ☐ NO |
(L. 1998 S.B. 781 § 1)
*Word "grade" does not appear in original rolls.
---- end of effective 28 Aug 1998 ----
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