☰ Revisor of Missouri


Chapter 256

< > Effective - 28 Aug 1991    bottom

  620.482.  (Repealed L. 2013 H.B. 196 § A) — 1.  The "Well Installation Board" is hereby established which shall be composed of nine members.  Appointment to the board shall be made without regard to race, creed, sex, religion, or national origin of the appointees.  Each member shall be a resident of the state and be conversant in well drilling, completion, and plugging methods and techniques.

  2.  Four members of the board shall hold valid permits under sections 256.600 to 256.640.  Two of these shall hold permits as well installation contractors, one shall hold a permit as a heat pump installation contractor and as a well installation contractor and one shall hold a permit as a monitoring well installation contractor and as a well installation contractor.  Four shall be public members, one of these shall be a public water supply district user and one shall be a private well user.  The director of the department or his designee shall serve as a member of the board.  Board members shall serve four-year terms except that two of the first appointed public members and two of the first appointed members holding valid permits shall be appointed to two-year terms.  Members shall be appointed by the governor with the advice and consent of the senate and each shall serve until his successor is duly appointed and qualified.  Vacancies shall be filled by appointment for the unexpired term.  Any member who fails to attend at least seventy-five percent of the regular board meetings in any one year, at the discretion of the board, shall be deemed to have resigned.  Members shall be reimbursed for actual and necessary expenses incurred in the performance of their official duties while in attendance at board meetings out of appropriations made for that purpose.

  3.  A member shall not be employed by or own an interest in a company, firm, or business association which employs another member of the board or in which another member owns an interest, if the company, firm, or business association is engaged in any phase of the well drilling, pump installation, heat pump or monitoring well business.

  4.  Except for industry members, no member shall receive, or shall have received during the previous two years, income derived directly or indirectly from any permittee or applicant under sections 256.600 to 256.640.

  5.  The board shall meet on a quarterly basis, and special meetings may be called when deemed necessary by the division.  A majority of the board is a quorum for conducting business.  The board shall elect a chairman by a majority vote at the first meeting each year.


(L. 1991 S.B. 221)

---- end of effective  28 Aug 1991 ----

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