256.705. Fund created, use of moneys. — 1. All sums received through the payment of fees under section 256.700 shall be placed in the state treasury and credited to the "Geologic Resources Fund" which is hereby created.
2. After appropriation by the general assembly, the money in such fund shall be expended to collect, process, manage, and distribute geologic and hydrologic resource information pertaining to mineral resource potential in order to assist the mineral industry and for no other purpose. Such funds shall be utilized by the division of geology and land survey within the department of natural resources.
3. Any portion of the fund not immediately needed for the purposes authorized shall be invested by the state treasurer as provided by the constitution and laws of this state. All income from such investments shall, unless otherwise prohibited by the constitution of this state, be deposited in the geologic resources fund. The provisions of section 33.080 relating to the transfer of unexpended balances in various funds to the general revenue fund at the end of each biennium shall not apply to funds in the geologic resources fund.
4. General revenue of the state or other state funds may be appropriated or expended for the administration of sections 256.700 to 256.710. The state geologist may enter into a memorandum of understanding or other agreement that allows for state or federal funds to supplement the geologic resources fund.
(L. 2007 S.B. 54)
Effective 1-01-08
---- end of effective 01 Jan 2008 ----
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