29.221. Reports of improper governmental activities, auditor's duties. — 1. The auditor shall provide various means to receive reports of allegations of improper governmental activities, which shall include a telephone hotline, electronic mail, and internet access. The auditor shall periodically publicize the hotline telephone number, electronic mail address, internet website address, and any other means by which the auditor may receive reports of allegations of improper governmental activities. Individuals who make a report under this section may choose to remain anonymous until the individual affirmatively consents to having the individual's identity disclosed.
2. The auditor shall receive and initially review reports of allegations of improper governmental activities of state agencies, political subdivisions, or state or political subdivision officers or employees within the scope of authority set forth in this section, including misappropriation, mismanagement, waste of resources, fraud, or violations of state or federal law, rule or regulation. After conducting an initial review, the auditor may investigate those allegations the auditor deems to be credible. When the auditor believes that an allegation of improper governmental activity is outside the authority set forth in this section, the auditor shall refer the allegation to the appropriate state agency responsible for the enforcement or administration of the matter for investigation. When the auditor believes that an allegation of improper governmental activity involves matters set forth in this subsection, those matters shall be referred as follows:
(1) Allegations of criminal misconduct to either the attorney general or the prosecuting attorney for the county where the alleged misconduct occurred;
(2) Allegations of violations of sections 105.450 to 105.496 to the Missouri ethics commission;
(3) Allegations of violations of chapter 115 to the appropriate election authority or the secretary of state.
(L. 2013 H.B. 116)
---- end of effective 28 Aug 2013 ----
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