334.001. Open records subject to release — board disclosure of confidential information, when. — 1. Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the following information is an open record and shall be released upon request of any person and may be published on the board's website:
(1) The name of a licensee or applicant;
(2) The licensee's business address;
(3) Registration type;
(4) Currency of the license, certificate, or registration;
(5) Professional schools attended;
(6) Degrees and certifications, including certification by the American Board of Medical Specialties, the American Osteopathic Association, or other certifying agency approved by the board by rule;
(7) To the extent provided to the board after August 28, 2011, discipline by another state or administrative agency;
(8) Limitations on practice placed by a court of competent jurisdiction;
(9) Any final discipline by the board, including the content of the settlement agreement or order issued; and
(10) Whether a discipline case brought by the board is pending in the administrative hearing commission or any court.
2. All other information pertaining to a licensee or applicant not specifically denominated an open record in subsection 1 of this section is a closed record and confidential.
3. The board shall disclose confidential information without charge or fee upon written request of the licensee or applicant if the information is less than five years old. If the information requested is more than five years old, the board may charge a fee equivalent to the fee specified by regulation.
4. At its discretion, the board may disclose confidential information, without the consent of the licensee or applicant, to a licensee or applicant for a license in order to further a board investigation or to facilitate settlement negotiations with the board, in the course of voluntary exchange of information with another state's licensing authority, pursuant to a court order, or to other administrative or law enforcement agencies acting within the scope of their statutory authority.
5. Information obtained from a federal administrative or law enforcement agency shall be disclosed only after the board has obtained written consent to the disclosure from the federal administrative or law enforcement agency.
6. The board is entitled to the attorney/client privilege and work product privilege to the same extent as any other person.
(L. 2011 H.B. 265)
---- end of effective 28 Aug 2011 ----
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