375.773. Accounts, types of insurance — applicability of law. — 1. For purposes of administration and assessment, the association shall be divided into four separate accounts:
(1) The workers' compensation insurance account;
(2) The automobile insurance account;
(3) The Missouri mutual and extended Missouri mutual insurance company account; and
(4) The account for all other insurance to which sections 375.771 to 375.779 apply.
2. Sections 375.771 to 375.779 shall apply to all kinds of direct insurance, but shall not be applicable to the following:
(1) Life, annuity, accident, and health or disability insurance;
(2) Mortgage guaranty, financial guaranty, or other forms of insurance offering protection against investment risk;
(3) Fidelity or surety bonds, or any other bonding obligations;
(4) Credit insurance, vendors' single-interest insurance, or collateral protection insurance, or any similar insurance protecting the interest of a creditor arising out of a creditor-debtor transaction;
(5) Insurance of warranties or service contracts, including insurance that provides for the repair, replacement, or service of goods or property, or indemnification for repair, replacement, or service for the operational or structural failure of the goods or property due to a defect in material, workmanship, or normal wear and tear, or provides reimbursement for the liability incurred by the issuers of agreements or service contracts that provide such benefits;
(6) Title insurance;
(7) Ocean marine insurance;
(8) Any transaction or combination of transactions between a person, including affiliates of such person, and an insurer, including affiliates of such insurer, which involves the transfer of investment or credit risk unaccompanied by the transfer of insurance risk;
(9) That portion of any insurance provided or guaranteed by any government; or
(10) Insurance written by a company formed and operating under sections 383.010 to 383.040.
(L. 1989 S.B. 333, A.L. 1993 H.B. 709, A.L. 2004 S.B. 1299)
---- end of effective 28 Aug 2004 ----
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